Jay #4

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You glanced at the time. 12:30 A.M. It was past midnight yet he wasn't home yet. He had told you that he's going out for work. That he had some important meeting and would be late. He told you to not wait for him. You tried sleeping but it wasn't helping. You twisted and turned in bed but couldn't stop worrying about him. You decided to get up and wait for him in the drawing room.

You made your way downstairs. Your throat felt dry so you went to the kitchen. While you were pouring water into the glass, you heard knock on the door followed by a loud thump. You kept the glass at the counter and went over to check.

You gasped.

There right at the door, he was lying, drenched in blood and sweat. There were several cuts and bruises all over his body. His clothes were torn and blotted with blood. Did he fight a wild animal in the woods?


You went over to him and held his face. He looked up, his fierce eyes gazing into your worried ones.

"Jay?! What happened?! How-"

He placed a finger on your lips.

"I'm tired."

You realised that this may not be the best time to ask him anything. You decided to ask him the next morning. You put his arms around your shoulder and tried to drag him to his room. You laid him on his bed.

He was almost passed out but was still holding on to consciousness. Before you escaped city life, you were a medical student. So you knew how to cure basic cuts, bruises and animal attack injuries. You hesitantly stripped his shirt off to inspect his injuries.

Your eyebrows furrowed. He didn't have any animal attack injuries. Those injuries were due to human attack. The cuts and bruises were due to knife and blade.

"Where had he been?"

You thought but tried to keep those questions for the next morning. If you wouldn't start mending his injuries now, he would certainly die in no time due to severe blood loss. He has already lost a lot of blood.

You washed his wounds with a clean, wet cloth. You then put some disinfectant on some cotton and cleaned his wounds.
He hissed with pain.

"I'm sorry I'll try to be gentle. But it will sting a little."

After disinfecting his wounds you began to apply the required ointment. His eyes were fixated on you while you were gently tracing his skin while applying the ointments. You
looked away. The sexual tension isn't helping.

You walked over to the counter to grab some bandages. All the while, you couldn't help wondering how and with whom he got into a fight. He couldn't have self harmed himself as there were cuts on his back where his hands definitely couldn't reach.

You came back and wrapped the clean bandages around his chest and shoulders as required. After you were done, you asked him to rest and sleep well and were about to leave. But he grabbed your arm. You turned around to look at him.

"Stay with me. Please?"

He pulled you on top of him and put the blanket over you. You looked away in embarrassment and hid your face on his shoulder. What is this feeling?

He chuckled and played with your hair while his other hand rest on your back. It took some time for your heartbeat to get steady as you lay on top of him.

"Jay...I don't want to hurt you. I should let you sleep in peace-"

"Shhh. Don't say anything. Just stay here, in my arms."

You lay there, quiet and still for sometime.
After a while, you thought about asking him what you've been wondering for so long.

"Jay? Where were you?"

He stopped playing with your hair and tossed you over so that you were now lying beneath him.

"You wouldn't want to know sweetheart but your eyes tell me that you won't shut up unless you get your answers."

You gulped. Why is he so agressive all of a sudden. He leaned in and whispered on your ears.

"I was in town murdering the ones that hurt you"

You chuckled. He looked at you amused and smiled.

"Of course you weren't. How would you even know them?"

"By the photoframe and diary under your bed. You keep the photo of them cause you loved and trusted them so much. But everyone betrayed you."

Your eyes widened.

"P-Please tell me it's a lie."

He tucked a strand of hair that was falling on your face behind your ear and kissed your forehead.

"No sweetheart....I unfortunately, am not joking. Your ex boyfriend......what was his name again......Levi? He tried to stab me in the back. But I beheaded him before he could do so. Guess his muscle memory lasted for a few moments even after getting beheaded. His headless self managed to cut my back with a knife. I thought about gifting you his head cause he's the one who hurt you the most but i realised that you're very soft and gentle. And I wouldn't like to traumatize you. So I brought you this instead."

He said as he pulled out a bracelet from his pocket. The bracelet you had given Levi. The couple's bracelet.

"He doesn't deserve your love, honey. He had to pay his price for cheating on you and breaking your heart."

Tears started forming on your eyes. You trusted him. You trusted Jay to be a good person who was helping a stranger. But he turned out to be a murderer.

"Who else did you kill?"

He chuckled.

"Call me a serial killer? Cause I can't even remember how many of them I killed. I found the diary where you wrote about how they hurt you and saw their faces on the photographs. And I tracked down every single one of them and slaughtered every single one."

You tried to get away from him but he pinned you underneath him by your shoulders, firmly. You began crying.

"P-please let me g-go.....I don't w-want to live with you. I'm scared....I-I'm scared of you"

He patted your hair and kissed your face as he wiped your tears.

"Don't be sacred of me, darling. I'll give you the world. I'll protect you from all evil. I would rather kill myself than hurt you. Just close your eyes and sleep. It's been a long day."


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