Riki #5

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You were exhausted living with his annoying ass 24/7. He would facetime Haruto to ask about the kids and that's when you would see them. Apparently Haruto was taking good care of them so they were all happy and accepted Haruto as their big brother and babysitter. You wondered if they would still love Haruto the same when they get to know that Haruto and Riki electrocuted them to make them forget about their parents' death.

Speaking of that you recalled what Riki told you about killing them. Riki said that their father was his father and the mother is the lady who he cheated with. And how his father killed Riki's mother.

Although your mind told you not to trust him, your heart felt as if he wasn't lying. You bit your lip.

"I can't trust him...no... But if what he is saying is the truth? then he doesn't deserve to be hated either...."

You wondered how you could find out the truth. You might find something in his room. But he's always in his room. And he's so cunning, he can immediately tell if you've been to his room even if you leave it untouched. Yet, there is nothing wrong in trying.

You tiptoed to his room to find it empty. You sighed in relief. You went over to check his nightstand. In one of the drawers you found a photo of a child with a lady. Both of them looked happy. The child, who was definitely Riki, was laughing while his mother kissed his cheek. They looked so happy, you unknowingly started smiling while staring at the photo.

"That's my mom..."

You turned around to see him sitting behind you. He looked into your eyes and smiled sadly. He then took the photo from your hands.

"This is my favourite photo of us. So I've kept it next to me on my nightstand. So that whenever I am weak and hurt, I can gain strength by looking at her."

He got up and walked over to his shelf. He took out an album. He walked back to you and showed you the album. It had childhood photos of him with his mother.

"This is the photo we took on my 7th birthday... And this is the last photo I had taken with her before she was killed..."

He said as he pointed at each of the photos, describing when and why they were taken.

"You don't have any photos with your dad?"

His jaw clenched.

"He never took any. He hated both of us. And if there were any photos of me with him, I burned them."

This was suspicious. It was confirmed that he had a mother and she passed away. But it's not yet confirmed that his dad was the same as those kids'.

"I know you don't trust me and it's alright. Not like I care. As long as you're here with me, it's all good. I don't need your trust."

He said as he got up to leave the room.

"Riki... It's not the children's fault."

He turned around.

"But they're the symbol of the two people I hated the most in the universe. Don't expect me to be kind to them. And if you try to leave, I won't hesitate to hurt them."

"But it's not their fault that they were born to such awful parents."

"They are the kids of two monsters. And monsters can't give birth to angels. They are innocent now but once they grow up, they'll be as evil as their parents. Everyone inherits some personality and character traits from their parents. That's how heredity works. They too will inherit those evil qualities."

"What you're doing to them isn't very kind either. If they're raised well, they will grow up to be good people. Trust me."

"Arguing with you is useless. You're too kind. Just know that life ain't that easy and not everyone can be trusted. Not even kids who were born to such loathsome creatures."

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