Sunghoon #4

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⚠️Gore and swearing alert!!!

The next morning, he woke up tired and exhausted. He looked around to find himself in his room. He sat up and tried to recall what happened last night.

He remembered reaching home drunk and then you took care of him. He smiled as he recalled how close you both were. His smile immediately faded as he couldn't find you in his room anymore. Did you run away?

He rushed out of bed and went to your room.

"You're finally awake bitch?"

He sighed in relief as he saw you in bed, watching movies. He smirked and laid on your bed, his head resting on your thighs.

"The fvck bitch?! Get up!"

"Don't pretend as if we weren't cuddling last night."

He chuckled as your cheeks turned crimson.

"That was because you were drunk and sad and looked heartbroken. I pitied you. Only for one night. Don't expect me to be like that all the time. If you think that I'm gonna fall for you....then you're absolutely wrong."

He chuckled and tapped your nose.

"You're cute"

"And you're a bitch"

"I know"

He smiled cheekily to which you rolled your eyes and focused back to the movie. But his eyes were fixated on you. After a while you groaned.

"Why the fvck are you staring at me?!"

"Your face kind of looks familiar but I can't remember where exactly we met for the first time....."

Your eyes widened. He can't find out so soon.

"What do you mean? We first met at your so called forbidden library"

He tilted his head to look at you.

"You surely aren't dumb enough to enter a forbidden library without purpose."

"I went there cause I love reading. And I heard that the library had some books which no other library on earth had."

He raised a brow.

"Heard from whom exactly? I don't remember anyone daring to enter the library premises before you did."

You inhaled deeply, trying to think.

"That's what people said. It might have been a myth or a fact. I went to the library to confirm."

He smirked.

"Alright then. I'll trust you for now. Anyways what kind of books are you fond of?"

"Romance and murder."

"There's no genre as murder, honey. It's called thriller."

You sighed in frustration.

"And if you don't shut up right now I'll turn your life story into a murder thriller for fvck's sake."

He chuckled.

"You may fool anyone but me. And right now you aren't even doing a good job at forming a proper excuse."

He got up and walked towards the door. He was about to leave the room when he turned back and smirked at you.

"You're hot when you're mad by the way..."

And he left. You glared at him and threw a pillow towards the door in frustration. You clutched your hair.

"Calm down Y/N. You're making it way too obvious that you're here to take your revenge. He can't know anything bout you."


"Hello sir. Agent Kim here. I found out everything about her."

He smirked. Finally he'll know why she's here.

"Good. Meet me tonight at our spot. At midnight."

He hung up the call.

"Miss Y/N, my dear can't win against me. Cause no one can win against me. Not even the strongest and smartest man in this planet."

Third person's pov

He visited her room before leaving the house. She was already fast asleep. Yet he didn't trust her. So he set a password on the window of her room so she can't escape through the window. He stared at her before leaving. He came closer and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight princess. Sleep well while you can."

He said before he locked the door of her bedroom and walked out of the house.

While he was driving to the location where he had asked his spy to meet him, he tried thinking where he might've met her before.

"I certainly know you.....but I can't remember where....."

After reaching the spot, he entered the password and went inside the dilapidated mansion. He looked around the hall but couldn't find his spy. He called for him, but got no response.

Suddenly, he felt stepping on liquid, as metallic odour filled the air. He looked down. Blood. He followed the drain of blood coming from the worn out kitchen.

His eyes widened when he saw the horrific sight infront of him. There on the kitchen table was a platter serving the human meat of the agent he had hired. He couldn't have mistaken, for his head was served in the platter too.

He went forward to have a closer look. He found a note kept beside the platter. He unfolded the letter.

"Mr Sunghoon, my dear sweetheart. Maybe no man can win against you, not even the strongest and smartest man in this planet. But the biggest mistake a man can make is to underestimate a woman. You can never win against me, you know why? Because nothing's more dangerous than a nasty woman.

You thought locking me inside a room, setting passwords on windows and shit will stop me? Hell nah! You took all precautions to prevent me from escaping, but you forgot to take away the screw driver in my room. It ain't difficult to remove hinges of doors. Trust me, this isn't the first time I've been grounded.

Anyways good luck next time. I'm waiting for you at home. Bring your defeated ass home soon ;)"

He crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it away. He gripped and pulled his hair back in frustration.

"Fvck it!"

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down, unable to let the fact sink in that he got defeated.

After a while, when he finally calmed down he began laughing hysterically.

"Oh sweetheart. I think I'm actually falling for you now... You make me go insane. Only you can fvck with my mind like that."


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