Jake #3

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Living with him was worse than hell. Him being obsessed with you 24/7 while you couldn't even tell him to stop since the life of your friends were at stake. It was difficult for you to see them hurting all because of you. You still remember the last night when you met them at school, how they were scared for each other as well as for the other girls in your class. How they all were trying to be strong for each other, wiping off each other's tears and whispering sweet nothings while fear lingered in their hearts. Little did they know, they wouldn't see you ever again and that their lives would be dependent on your actions.

You were going through the news the previous day and heard that the cops were out, investigating the mysterious case. The boys of your class were asked about the disappearance of the girls and some of them told the cops about the secret admirer. When asked why they hadn't complained to the authorities earlier, Gliff said that they hadn't thought that the stalker would mean any possible harm. Jake must have instructed him to say so. Also when the cops asked them about the disappearance of Jake, no one said that they knew anything about him. Not even the school authorities. The cops were suspicious about his disappearance and felt that he might have something to do with it. But since Jake was quite the invisible kid at school, no one knew about his whereabouts. Even his students info had been erased from the school records. You just mentally prayed for the cops to get him.

Although living with him was hell, you had found a new and lovely companion, Layla. She was the most adorable little thing you had ever seen. You always found comfort in her presence and tried to avoid Jake by spending time with her.

"Do you know how awful your owner is?"

You asked as you scratched her soft fur.

"You deserve so much better. The day I'll get out of here, I'll take you with me."

You heard the front door of the house creak open. He was home back from the convenience store. As soon as he reached home, he came to your room and plopped down on the bed beside you.

"Hello my love."

He smiled as he tucked a strand of hair falling on your face behind your ear. You scotted away from his touch, cuddling Layla in your arms. He pouted.

"Why are you always so ride to me? All I ever try to do is show you love and here you are, always mad at me."

You glared at him

"How else do you expect me to behave after you kidnapped my friends and tortured them?"

He sighed.

"You really do love people with all your heart, don't you sweetheart? Everyone but me? I didn't tell you this earlier because I didn't want to hurt you but I guess I'll have to say it to you now for your own good."

You looked at him agitated and perplexed. What was he talking about?

"All those girls that you call your friends, all the girls of your class, they secretly hate you. They're all fake and are jealous of your beauty. I have heard those conversations that you haven't and hence I had to help you out. I know you won't believe me so I even have evidence."

He pulled out his phone and played a video which showed the girls of your class talking about you. They were in school and they looked healthy and safe, which proved that this video was taken before they had been kidnapped by Jake. You heard them talk trash about you there in the video. Your best friend Jade, was the one talking the worst about you while the others supported her. You couldn't believe that the people you trusted the most, the ones you cared about so much were the ones who hated you the most.

"They were even planning on locking you up in the school washroom for the entire night but thankfully you were absent for the last few days. When I heard all that from them, I knew that the only way I could protect you from them is to bring you here."

Tears flowed down your face.

"This ain't true, right?"

You came closer to you and wiped your tears. He kissed your cheek and caressed your face.

"Why would I lie, love? You can see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears how they despised you for nothing. The world is too cruel than you think it is. You're too pure for this world"

You hugged him tight and cried your heart out on his chest as rested his cheek on your head, occassionally kissing your forehead while he held you close.

'How I hate to see you cry like that, sweetheart. Don't worry, love. They'll be gone by midnight tonight."


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