Jungwon #7

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The next morning, you wasted no time. You woke up before he did and left a note on your side of the bed.

"Had to leave early today for work. Will talk to you later when I get back home. Love you. XOXO."

You looked at his face one last time before leaving. Pale, lifeless, yet so beautiful. You kissed his forehead before heading out.

Once you were at your bus stop, waiting for the bus, you mentally prepared yourself. You still remembered her address, which Jungwon had written in his diary. But that was where she lived years ago. You don't know if she still lives there. It would be better if you tried to find more information about her. And you could only think of their school for that. You took the bus.

An uncanny anxiety gripped your heart as you realized that the school you had visited just the previous day was nowhere to be found. You were certain that you were standing right there the day before at 6:00 PM sharp, but you couldn't find Varsity High anywhere. For a moment, you considered if you were at the wrong location. Maybe you were so engrossed in your thoughts that you got off at the wrong location? You asked the people nearby, and realised that you were at the right place. But when you asked them about Varsity High, none of them had ever heard the name of the school in all the years they had been in this city.

Every passing moment you started getting more and more anxious as you couldn't find his school which you had visited just the previous day. Your anxiety only heightened when you couldn't find Ariah's house at the location which you recalled. so clearly. 7 Street, May Square Road, House No. 15. But there was no house at the specified address. Must have mistaken the address, you thought. You decided to return to Jungwon's house and search for the diary again which you had found in the secret room behind the wall mirror.

You were nearly trembling by the time you reached his house. You hurried inside and headed straight for his room on the third floor. But as you climbed the stairs, you realized... there wasn't a third floor?

You felt dizzy. What was happening? Is time playing games with you? Were you hallucinating? Was all of this just a dream? Was Yang Jungwon only a part of your imagination? Or are you dreaming right now? A world without Varsity High, without Ariah's house on her address, without a bedroom or a third floor in this house you had visited so many times already? The world around you started blackening and the next thing you knew you had passed out.

(A/N: The chapter was really short but it had to be there as I had to end something with a cliffhanger before I continue with the last chapters of Jungwon's story. Stay tuned for the final chapters. Love you💗)

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