Jake #4

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You were crying the whole day after you got to know about how your friends betrayed you. You were heartbroken as you trusted them more than anything. You grew up without a family so you never got attention and love except from your classmates and friends and so they mean the world to you. But realising that all that love was mere facade broke your heart.

Jake tried to reach out to you but you didn't let him in your room and said you needed some time alone. Eventually, he gave up and
left you alone. In the evening, you heard some soft barking outside your room so you
opened the door and brought Layla in.

You were cuddling with her. Her presence helped you stop crying but you were so numb. You didn't go out of your room even for once as the sun set in and darkness reigned.

You heard the clicking of the front door indicating that Jake had gone out. You wondered where he went, but you were too tired to call him up and ask. So you just lay there with Layla as you slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.


You woke up in the middle of the night due to thunder and lightning. Layla was already up and snuggled against you. You sighed and ruffled her fur. You wondered if Jake was back yet. You went out of your room to check on him. You realised he still wasn't back yet. So you started getting worried.

"Is he in trouble? It's been so long since he has left"

Then you recalled what he told you in the morning when you were crying in his embrace.

"How I hate to see you cry like that, sweetheart. Don't worry, love. They'll be gone by midnight tonight."

Your eyes widened. You checked the time.


You had half an hour left to stop him. You went to Layla and patted her.

"Honey, you know where Jake is, isn't it? I know you know love. Please give me a clue."

Layla looked at you and wagged her tail. Then she jumped off the bed and ran to his room. You followed her. She went and brought you Jake's phone.

"He left his phone at home?..."

Then it clicked you. He might have phone calls recorded. You patted Layla and kissed her head. It was her way of telling you 'I don't know what he's up to but this might help'.

"Take care honey. I'll bring your dad home, safe."

You rushed out of the house while going through his phone. You found out through his recorded calls and texts where he was hiding them.


Gore warning

He laughed sadistically when he saw the girls lying helplessly infront of him.

"P-please let us go. W-we promise we won't t-try to harm h-her ever a-again."

"Too late, sweetheart. Too late. Anyone who tries to hurt my love needs to face the consequences. Y'all are way too strong to live for so long. I brought 15 of you here and 12 of them succumbed to the torture I made y'all go through. Since you all have come this far, let's take it slow, okay?Jaden."

As soon as he called his name, a man twice the size of the helpless girls came and grabbed two of them by the hair and picked them up before throwing them against the wall. He then grabbed a machete and began skinning them. While one of them perished from the torture, the other still held onto life.

"Jaden, I think the machete ain't enough for her. How about some acid?"

The last one of the three who was left, she screamed as she heard that and ran away, not being able to tolerate the sight of the massacre infront of her.

While she tried to run away, she crashed against someone and fell down. She looked up in fright and sighed in relief.

"Y-Y/N...y-you're finally h-here to s-save m-me. I-I am so h-happy. P-please s-save me."

She let out a snicker.

"I trusted you the most in this world Jade. And you tried to kill me along with the other girls?"

Jade's eyes widened.

"N-n-no y/n that's all a lie. I-I would n-never do that to you."

She rolled her eyes and played the video which Jake had showed her earlier. Where Jade, along with the other girls, was planning to get you killed the night Jake kidnapped you.

Jade was speechless as the evidence proved her guilty.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N..."

Y/N sighed and threw the phone away as she pulled out the pistol from her back pocket and loaded it.

"Be grateful that you're dying in my hands and not in Jake's. Goodbye Jade."

She said as she pulled the trigger, aiming towards Jade's heart.


She turned around to face Jake.

"I'm too tired now, Jake. I've trusted people way too much. Please get rid of the bodies. I don't want jail. Neither for me bor for you."

She said as she turned around to leave. But she halted her steps and turned around to face him again. Then she pulled his collar and collided her lips against his.

"Thank you for whatever you did. But you don't need to do things like this which can get you onto trouble. I can take care of myself now. I've changed for the better."

He grabbed her face and kissed her forehead. He pulled back and looked into her eyes and she understood.

It was his way of telling her that no matter how strong she gets, he'll never stop protecting her.

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