Sunghoon #5

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After the night in that secret hideout, after he found out that you killed his spy, he returned home to find you sleeping peacefully in your room. He sat beside you and scrutinized your face to confirm if you were actually asleep or not.

"What exactly are you?..... No matter how hard I try, I could never understand you....what exactly do you want? All I know is that you want to kill me nd you mean no good. But you don't seem like you could hurt a fly. Then how did you butcher a whole adult man like that?"

He sat there, thinking for sometime but finally sighed and left the room. Before he walked out of the room, he turned back and walked towards you and kissed your forehead.

"But oh my darling, I love you either way. I don't know if it's love or obsession but maybe it's both? I don't really care. I have you and that's all that matters."

And he left.

The next morning, when you woke up, you found him sitting beside you on bed. He was holding a few photographs in his hands and going through them. You rubbed your eyes and looked up at him perplexed.

"What are you doing here in my room early morning?"

His gaze shifted from the photos in his hands to meet your eyes.

"Hello there. I didn't realise you were awake already."

He said in a straight voice devoid of any human emotions.

"What are those photos?"

He raised his brow and tilted his head.

"You really wanna know?"

"Why else would I be asking?"

He pulled you up in a sitting position.

"Well, you see...last night I was in a mission. There was a spy who found out something about you and your whereabouts. Where you're from, who you are, what you want.... And before I left to meet him, I locked the door of your bedroom so you can't escape. Upon reaching there, you know what I found? See for yourself."

And he showed you the photos of the man butchered and kept on the kitchen platter. As soon as you saw those photos, you screamed and pushed those photos away from you.

"W-What are those?!?! WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!'

"Fresh human meat apparently... And you know what more shocking than those photos? This....."

He showed you the letter he found on the kitchen counter. The one which was apparently written by you where you admitted killing that man.

"W-what n-n-no t-this isn't me...T-this can't be me...."

"It was you, love..... You want better evidence? Come here."

He held your hand tightly and dragged you out of bed to the door of your room.

"See? Those door hinges are broken. And when I returned, you were sleeping peacefully inside the room. Which means that no one broke inside the house. And since you're the only one who was in the house when I left, you're the one who broke the hinges to escape."

Your eyes widened and your heart was racing. You were still traumatized by what you saw in those photos and all these things were difficult for your mind to process. You started feeling lightheaded and collapsed in his arms.

He held you and brought you to bed. He caressed your hair.

"My love, if only I didn't love you so much, I would've used shock treatment or hypnotized you into telling the truth. But I can't do that. I'll just have to wait until I can find out what you're up to."


He was in his room, going through different cctv camera footages. He replayed each one of them over and over again. He zoomed into the recordings and sighed.

"It's her. In every single recording. It can't be anyone else. Then how does she not remember anything the next morning? Is she lying?"

It's been 2 weeks since he showed you those photos and you're still traumatized. You didn't leave your room and you would cry and scream at night until he would come and hold you close and rock you till you fell asleep.

He heard you scream again that night and came to hold you. He caressed your hair and patted your hair as you cried in his chest.

"H-Hoon t-the man....I saw him a-again t-today...."

"I know...I know...."

He patted your back to calm you down. He then laid you down as you kept on trembling and speaking frantically. He kissed your forehead.

"Just sleep. Try not to think too much about it, alright?"

He looked at you and smiled. His eyes caught glimpse of the metal under your pillow, glistening in the moonlight. He looked at you again and smiled and whispered sweet nothings as you fell asleep.

He too laid beside you and fell asleep...

Third person's pov

He was asleep beside her when suddenly, his hand jerked up and grabbed the arm holding the dagger above him. He opened his eyes and twisted her arm behind her back. She screamed and shouted at him like a feral animal as he stayed calm, holding her down.


He snatched the dagger away from her and threw it away. He then dragged her forcefully to the basement and tied her up and locked her there in the dark as she kept screaming at him to let her go.


He closed the door behind him and sighed as her screams could be heard loud and clear from the other side of the door.

"You are a problem I don't want to get rid of..... I don't know what's up with you but I'll find out soon... "

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