Jungwon #2

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You were afraid and cautious eversince that night. The worst part was that you couldn't see him until he stood infront of the mirror or until he wanted to show himself. He moved as quietly as the wind. You could only feel his touch, when you would be in the kitchen making your breakfast, you could feel his arms wrap around you firmly. When you would wake up in the morning, you could feel his kiss on your forehead. When you would be scared of afraid, you could feel him hold you close and whisper, "don't be afraid...I'm only here to protect and love you"

This was really getting creepier day by day. You were afraid of going to the washroom, thinking he might follow you there aswell although he convinced you that he would never do that. You were afraid of other spirits living in your lonely neighborhood. You were afraid of calling your loved ones wondering if he would hurt them if you tell them what you're going through.

One day you decided to call an exorcist. You didn't let Jungwon know one day, you called the exorcist to perform the rituals and carry out the exorcism.

Within minutes the whole house was in an uproar. Jungwon began throwing things everywhere. Wind gushed violently and send all things flying. The lights in your house began flickering and you could hear his screams all around. However the exorcist convinced you that all of this was more than normal.

Suddenly the exorcist began screaming. He looked uncomfortable and began chanting religious spells while throwing holy ash all around him. He suddenly dropped to the ground and his body began twitching. Within a few seconds, his body was engulfed in flames and he turned into black ash and debris in no time.

You looked at his remains horrified. You tried to scream but it only came out as a whimper. Sweat started dripping down your forehead as you realised that this will have awful consequences on you now. Jungwon won't let you have an easy life.

As you were wondering all this, he appeared infront of you, his pale and lean body, shivering with anger. His brown eyes dark with anger. His jaw clenched as he looked betrayed and hurt.

"You wanted to get rid of me?"

You shook your head in fear and backed away from him as he advanced towards you. His fist clenched.

"Or did you want to finish me?"

You backed away in fear, shaking your head vigorously.


He grabbed your shoulder, his fingers digging inside your shoulders, making you wince and cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry please let me go, Jungwon. I just want to be free and want my privacy."

"So this is the reason?"

His calm demeanor, whilst his grip on your shoulder kept on tightening scared you even more.

"Then wait and watch as your life gets worse every passing day, sweetheart. I've been nice for way too long anyways. Let me show you what hell is."


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