Riki #6

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You woke up to the sun shining directly on your eyes. You squinted your eyes to adjust to the light and saw him propped on an elbow beside you, looking at your face. His intense stare immediately broke into a smile as soon as you woke up. You rubbed your eyes and recalled that he was sick last night and you tucked him in, falling asleep beside him.

"How are you now?"

"You're falling for me aren't you?"

You flinched.

"Can you not be cocky for once?"

He chuckled.

"Better. And Since you took care of me and treated me with so much love for the entire night, we'll do whatever you want for today."

You thought for sometime. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for you since you don't know for how long you're stuck here with him and how often he'll let you do whatever you want for a whole day.

"Can we meet the kids?"

He groaned and laid back on bed, rolling his eyes.

"Out of everything you could've asked...'

You propped on your elbow and looked down at him.

"Riki...please...I told you-"

"Yeah yeah that it's not their fault that their parents were demons and assholes. I get it! Only if you were in my position would you realise how I feel..."

There was a moment of silence between the two of you before he broke it.

"Fine. Get ready"

Your face broke into the biggest smile he has seen eversince he brought you here. It made him smile a little.

"Thank you...thank you Riki..."


Riki rang the doorbell as you both stood infront of the door, waiting for Haruto to open up. You were both excited and anxious to meet them after so long.

Soon Haruto opened the door and gave Riki a confused look to which the later just nodded. Haruto stepped aside to let you guys enter. You stepped inside first and called out for the kids.

Soon the three of them came running towards you with their tiny feet, squealing in happiness and wrapped their arms around your waist.

You smiled down at them and kneeled down to their level and kissed each one of them on their cheeks.

Riki had a brief conversation with Haruto after which the later walked out of the house. Riki locked the door and looked at you playing with the kids. He realised he has never seen you happier before.

"You are Y/Nieee's boyfriend?"

"Of course he is idiot. Can't be her dad."

Riki was flustered when they suddenly began talking to him. You looked up at him equally flustered.

Sakura walked towards him and held his hand.

"He is kinda built like Bu Khalfa"

"It's BurJ Khalifaaaaa, idiot"

"Shut up Miso. He is handsome though..."

Sakura said looking up at him.

Riki chuckled and kneeled down.

"You really think so?"

Sakura smiled and nodded.

"Well your Y/Nieee doesn't think so."

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