Heeseung #8

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The nightmares never cease to wake you up, screaming your lungs out. But today's nightmare was different. Unlike the nightmares you usually get of blood, gore, death, etc., today's nightmare was the scariest. Especially because it felt so real. Like you had actually experienced it.

You were there in the university of your dreams, happy to begin a new chapter of your life. You had everything you wanted. But right before you could get in, the entire building bursts up in flames. A place which you expected to be full of life, education and new beginnings, was filled with pieces of flesh, charred bodies, fire, debris, smoke and death.

You wake up screaming again like you do every night. But this time even when Heeseung pulled you tightly into his embrace, you couldn't calm you down. You kept crying as he pulled you into his lap and wiped your tears.

"Look at me sweetheart. For once just open your eyes..."

He spoke calmly. You instead hugged him tight, wrapping your arms around him. He was taken aback for a moment since you never hug him back whenever he tries to comfort you but he instinctively pulled you closer and held you tighter. He rubbed your back soothingly as you cried on the crook of his neck.

He kissed your head and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

"I'm so sorry love. You need to go through all this every night only because of me. I swear I will protect you till my last breath and I'll never let you see any of those harsh, inhuman things ever again. You'll never have to see such gore things ever again..."

There was a minute of silence as he held you in his arms and you melted in his embrace, his kisses and back rubs soothing you. After a minute you finally sighed as you stopped crying.

"It wasn't you tonight Heeseung..."

He pulled back to see your face as he looked at you with a questioning gaze. He held you firmly on his lap with one hand around your waist while the other ran through your hair soothingly.

"I didn't dream about gore today. But the nightmare felt so ... real."

His eyes widened slightly as he heard you attentively. He caressed your face and kissed your cheek softly.

"Wanna talk about it?"

You sighed and looked out of the window. It was still raining like it was when you guys shared your first kiss few hours back.

"I feel really weird these days Heeseung...I don't know why... I feel like I don't remember something. Like I don't remember something about my past... Your touch feels so familiar. Even when you kissed me tonight, I felt like it wasn't the first time you kissed me. And the nightmare..."

You paused for a moment.

"It was weird. I saw that I was in the university of my dreams... when suddenly the place blew off. Everyone around me was dead. Not a single sign of life. And it felt so personal. It felt more like a deja vú rather than a nightmare ..."

His eyes lit up as he pulled you closer, holding your face.

"Y/N what else did you see? Did you see how you got in there? Who took you there? How you survived the blast? Anything?"

You tried your best to remember but shook your head.

"No...I don't remember..."

"Y/N please try, sweetheart. You might have seen something more..."

He pleaded as he looked into your eyes, holding your face while his other hand was wrapped firmly around your waist.


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