Ni-ki #7

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You realised that he has slowly started to change, for the better. He would allow the kids to spend Sundays with you and you could go to meet them whenever you felt like, although he would accompany you every single time. And he surprisingly got along well with the kids. The kids all loved him but you weren't sure if he actually started getting affectionate towards them or was it just him pretending.

You were at the kitchen, chopping veggies while your mind dosed off to all these thoughts. You were close to getting your finger cut as you zoned off but suddenly those familiar hands moved your hand away just in time. You quickly looked up at him and down at your hands and realised.


"Where are you lost exactly?"

You looked at him.

"Umm... nothing..."

He rolled his eyes and picked you up, placing you on the kitchen counter. "Just sit here." He then continued what you were doing. Your cheeks flushed at his actions but you quickly tried to hide it, acting nonchalant.

"I can do that, you know?"

"Trust you with the knife after you almost cut yourself? Hell nah"

You rolled your eyes as you watched him. You hated to admit it but he was better than you in all household chores. You also hated to admit it but you started finding him more and more attractive day by day. Your eyes trailed over his facial features, his fierce monolid eyes which were fixed on the vegetables he was chopping, his eyebrows creased in concentration, his plump lips pressed in a thin line.

You snapped out of your trance when he finished cooking. He walked up to you and brought a spoonful infront of your face. You leaned your face away.

"I can eat myself. You don't need to feed me." He kept the spoon in the plate and sighed before rolling his eyes and snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You gasped. Standing right there between your legs, he brought the spoon closer to your mouth again.

"You know I don't take no for an answer."

You were too flustered to say anything else so you just complied.

"Good girl. So Haruto called me few minutes ago. Said that he was running out of clothes for the kids. So we need to buy them new ones. Now finish eating and then get dressed up. We leave at 10:00. Alright?"

You nodded, your cheeks still flushed. You hated this. You hated how you were getting so vulnerable around him these days. You hated how you were falling even though you tried so hard not to.

He wiped the ketchup off the corner of your lips and leaned in to kiss your cheek. He handed you your plate before grabbing his and walking out of the kitchen to his room.

As soon as he left the room, you felt like screaming and cursing. Why was it so hard to hate him? Alright he's treating the kids well these days, not forcing you to do things that make you uncomfortable, letting you spend time with the kids and even bring them over sometimes. You don't hate him anymore cause there's no reason to, except that he slaughtered the parents. But why the fuck were you falling for him??? It's morally and ethically wrong!

You sighed. All you can do right now is ignore your problems and munch on your


You walked out of the shower, putting the wet towel in laundry and began blow drying your hair.

"How long are you gonna take? It's 10:10 already. We were supposed to leave at-"

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