Nasheed playlist <3

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I decided to make a Nasheed playlist for you guys if you want to not listen to music as much or have been thinking about quitting music. I also wanted to include a few podcasts that may be beneficial to the way you perceive Islam or to motivate you guys as well In'Sha'Allah.

I'm trying not to go off topic but I quit music a few months ago now because I realised that it was never benefitting me. I realised that it just made me distracted from the deen so that's why I made this, to benefit my fellow brothers and sisters and their deen <33

Nasheed playlist:
-My Arabic language
-Kun Saeedan
-Ya Adheeman
-The good is still alive
-The way of the tears
-The beauty of existence
-Ya akhi- Ahmed Bhukhatir
-I rise
-Verily you are an angel
-Fallen- halal beats
-Where you are- halal beats
-Grieving cry
-Love and life
-My darling baby
-The morning of love
-We rise to the sky
-Awraq omri
-Taweel al Shawq
-Tabalagh bil qaleel
-My dream- Muhammad al muqit
-Oh my brothers
-The book of Allah
-Oh mother
-The Best of pearls
-The voice of reciters
-Oh lordd of the existence

-The digital sisterhood: OMDZ WHEN I TELL YOU GUYS THIS PODCAST HELPED ME STAY ON MY DEEN AND NOT STRAY AWAY! The whole experiences of each person that comes on the podcast differentiates from another and overall makes you feel like you're a part of the sisterhood 🤍.

-Omar Suleiman: Guys idk why I used to think that I could only listen to him on YouTube 😭  but on Spotify all the videos are on there which is easier to listen to.

-Sincerely Sumayah

word count: 294

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