chapter 48: my fault

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Hers~> 20 days married

A night had already passed since Khalil and I got attacked.

Khalil was currently in the hospital for his broken arm and since he had suffered a serious panic attack, he'd been sedated and been sleeping ever since.

Putting some water in a cup, I sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

Thankfully the ice cream man was around and while I was trying to help my husband, he'd scared the men away and had taken us to the hospital.

"Khalil" I whisper, rubbing his cheek with my hand. It was already 11am and he was still asleep.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I take it out to see that Hala was calling me.

After a few seconds I left Khalil's side to take the phone call.

"Salam, Hala?" I say.

"Walaikumsalam Noori, how's my brother?" She replies, loudly.

"Khalil's doing okay but he's just resting as of now, girl." I reply, rubbing my eyes.

"Alhamdulilah." She says, gratefully.

"Alhamdulilah." I repeat.

"Anyways how are you though? Are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm alright but overall I'm just glad that Khalil is fine, I mean I was really worried that something bad was going to happen but Alhamdulilah he's fine now." I say with a sigh.

"That's good but remember to take care of yourself okay. I'll be seeing you anyways when you guys come back tomorrow." She replies, cheerfully.

"I will Hala, don't worry." I say before I hang up, upon seeing the doctor and nurse approach me.

"We just need to check his blood pressure and vitals." The doctor says as the nurse enters the room.

"Will he be able to be discharged today?" I ask as I follow into the room.

"In the afternoon he'll be able to if everything is good." He replies with an encouraging smile.

I nod in response as Khalil stirs in the bed.

"Noor... are you..." He mumbles and the nurse looks to me with a pointed gaze.

What's her problem?

"Khalil?" I say, walking near to him.

"Noor?" He murmurs as he opens his eyes for the first time in ages.

I nod with a smile and he takes my face in his hand, letting out a sigh of relief.

"You okay? They didn't touch you did they?" He asks, sitting up on the bed.

"No they didn't do anything." I reply but he isn't convinced.

"I blacked out didn't I? I left you there! I couldn't even protect you!" Khalil shouts.

The doctor and nurse just stood still.
There wasn't really anything they could do.

Khalil was upset at himself for something that was out of his control.

"Khalil, I'm fine your fine okay?" I reassure him, embracing him in my arms.

"But-" He tries saying but I interrupt him.

"No buts." I state and he calms himself down at my voice.

After a few moments, I let go to allow the doctors to check on him.

The nurse takes out a blood pressure monitor and checks his pulse but her hand rests at Khalil's for a bit too long.

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