chapter 32: cake

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Hers~> 3 days being married+ day before Eid

After buying all the ingredients for the milkcake, I quickly got changed and then got out the bowls for it.

"Aslan!" I say, making my way to the cuteness which was sitting on the floor.

"You're so cute, Ma'Sha'Allah." I say, petting him softly.

"Noor? Who are you talking to?" I hear Khalil say from the front.

"Aslan." I reply, taking him in my hands.

"Oh, I thought there was someone else here." He sighs.

"I only have time for one person." I say, smiling.

"I wonder who?" Khalil replies, scratching his chin.

"Aslan!" I reply, shrugging.

"Oh really?" He responds, dipping his head.

"Maybe..." I say before putting Aslan down on his pillow.

"Maybe, Noor?" He asks, slowly walking towards me.

"Hmm, I don't remember what I said." I reply, looking at my hands.

"Well I do!" He shouts before attacking me in a tickle fight.

"Khalil!" I laugh as I feel my back fall on the sofa.

"Huh? What were you saying?" Khalil jokes, chuckling as his body towers over mine.

"Let go! Let go!" I gasp, giggling.

"I'll be the judge of that." He responds, smirking.

He then slowly stops and each of his hands remain next to my neck, trapping me in his arms.

I couldn't even move if I wanted to since his hazel green eyes were locked on mine with curiosity.

His body was strong on top of mine and he begun slowly moving his head down to me till we were breaths apart.

"Noor..." He says breathlessly.

"Is that the time?" I reply, quickly moving my body from below his so he fell on the sofa and I  was walking back to the kitchen.

"You're killing me." Khalil says quietly from the living room.

"Well I have a milkcake to make and you have to make the rest of the food since you know I can't!" I call out, putting the flour into the bowl.

"Baba's coming later to help, Noor. I think we're fine." He replies, making his way to the kitchen.

"That's actually a relief now, Alhamdulilah." I sigh, leaning on against the counter.

"You think I can't cook?" He says, sarcastically.

"I know you can cook but you're stressing me out right now. Our families are coming tomorrow for Eid and nothings ready and look at what time it is." I reply, putting a hand on my face.

"It's only 4-" Khalil says before breaking into a low chuckle.

"What? What are you laughing at?" I ask, confused.

"You've got something on your face." He closes the space between us, lifts a hand and gently brushes the flour off my cheek.

Our eyes meet and his hand lingers.


We quickly break the gaze and he sighs, "Better go and check that."

"Yep." I reply, quietly.

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