chapter 25: pigtails

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"Do you need help with the boxes?" Elias asks as I'm taking the last of my things from his apartment.

It was moving day and Elias, Samir, his dad and Baba were all here to help me move my stuff and the furniture into the new house.

Haadi couldn't come because of work but recently it's becoming quite an issue I can't lie.

The way my brothers been working wasn't like normal. He couldn't get any time off since Baba passed the business down to him.

"Nah it's fine man, I'll get them." I reply, taking my hoodie off.

"Alright I'll meet you in the car then." He responds as I grab the boxes.

"What were in these ones again?" I say to myself whilst Elias goes to the car.

Sliding the box around I turn it to face the side that Elias wrote, 'lover man stuff."

What the heck, I think.

Shaking my head I open it to see letters, photos and old books.

Yallah, were these what I thought they were?

Carefully picking one of the brown envelopes up, I realised it was.

These were letters I'd written for my fiancée as we speak, when I left to my uncles.

The envelope had her address and nickname on it, 'pigtails.'

Pigtails mainly because she'd always have her hair in them when we were little and would hate it.

Teasing her about it to the point where her cheeks would turn rosy red was the highlight of my day.

I took a closer look in the box to see that I'd written 10 more letters, but never gave them to her.

Writing wasn't an issue for me, it was mailing them to her.

"Khalil? Are you coming?" Samir calls from the front door, making me jump.

"Yallah, Samir." I say, putting the letters back in the box.

"What were you just looking at?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Uh- just making sure I didn't leave anything else behind." I reply, closing the box back up.

"Alright, come on. Elias is threatening to leave us behind." Samir says, smiling.

"Well, if he leaves us behind he's gonna wonder who took his motorbike then." I respond, walking to the front door.

"You know we should do that." He replies, locking the door.

"Steal his motorbike?" I say, walking downstairs.

Samir nods in response and I contemplate what he's saying.

I look to my brother in law while he looks to me with the same look in his eyes and I can tell we're both thinking the same thing.

"He's got 2 helmets right?" Samir whispers as we get to the street.

"Yep." I reply, putting the boxes in the boot.

"Khalil, Yallah! Took you so long to come!" Elias calls from the front of the car as I notice Samir is making his way to Elias's motorbike.

"Ya Rabb, I only took a few minut-" I say before Samir interrupts.

"Khalil, quickly hop on!" Samir shouts, throwing me a helmet.

"What are you doing, Samir?" Elias shouts as I get on the bike.

"Race you?" Samir snickers back.

"Khalil I swear I'm gonna break all your stuff if you don't get off my bi-" Elias shouts, unlocking the car door.

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