chapter 49: where it all started

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Hers~> 66 days married

"Noor? I asked what you're gonna order." Neha says, looking to me expectedly.

"Uh- yeah, I'll have a beef burger and chips." I reply, still reeling myself from my thoughts.

Neha nods as she turns her attention back on ordering the food on her phone.

I get up from my bed to grab some water from the kitchen.

It had been a little over a month since Khalil and I last had spoken.

I was frustrated at him more than anything.

I knew he was feeling guilty because of what had happened but I knew it was something he couldn't control.

I'd known that he was running again.

This time it was different though.

He wasn't running from responsibilities or the pressure of being a husband.

He was doing what he thought was best for me.

Distancing himself away from me so I wouldn't get hurt again.

But I missed him more than anything.

Our families didn't really know why I'd gone back home.

I had told them that I was homesick and would go back in a few weeks so nobody really questioned it.

Neha and Hala knew though, they could see right through me and I could never keep a secret from them.

Today felt long and difficult though.

It was Khalils Mama's death anniversary.

Today was hard for everybody and I was thinking about when to visit her grave.

The last time I went there was just before my first accident and I'd often go every week but since then I haven't been able to. Today was different though.

Checking my phone, it read 3pm already.

Taking a mental note of the fact that Khalil might be there, I erased it from my mind.

I didn't want to think of him but the person who today was all about.

"Neha, do you want my burger? I think I'm gonna go out for a bit." I ask, from the bottom of the staircase.

"No problem girl!" She replies, causing me to giggle.

Neha was a few months pregnant now and had cravings for everything and anything.

"I'll get you a McDonald's frappe, Asalamulaikum!" I call out to her as I grab my bag and keys.

"Walaikumsalam!" She shouts back.

10 minutes later, I arrive at the floristry shop to pick the flower bouquet I want.

I wanted a mix of all her favourites.

Choosing a few baby breaths and hydrangeas, I passed them to the florist who wrapped them carefully in the paper.

Choosing a few baby breaths and hydrangeas, I passed them to the florist who wrapped them carefully in the paper

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