chapter 45: adventures

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Hers~> 15 days married

"Last night in Bangladesh." Khalil says when I follow him in the bed.

"Did you have fun?" I ask while he wraps me like a burrito in his arms.

"I loved it, we all did but I'm hoping to come again with different people..." He replies.

What people?

"Who?" I ask, looking up to him.

"Our future kids." He says with a smirk.

"Not this again." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks, sighing.

"First the talk with our dads then a baby horse being born, then this!" I reply, slapping his chest.

"Okay, okay I guess we can wait a few more years." He chuckles.

I nod in agreement as we both recite our duas and fall asleep.

The next morning felt quiet and sad, even though we'd only spent a week here everyone felt as if they knew one another like a best friend.

I wore a coffee coloured Khimar and a white abaya.

"Are you gonna come with us?" Hala asks as she stuffs her things in her suitcase

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"Are you gonna come with us?" Hala asks as she stuffs her things in her suitcase.

"No, we're going to the Maldives remember?" I ask her, taking her clothes out of her suitcase again.

"Oh yes I forgot!" She replies, smacking her head lightly.

I shake my head while folding her clothes and hijabs neatly.

"Wait, why are you doing that?" She asks.

"When you go back home and open all your stuff it's gonna be creased and I know you don't have anything else to wear since you brung four suitcases." I tell her and she slowly nods her head, agreeing with what I'm saying.

"Guys have you seen my blood pressure machine?" Neha asks.

Neha was told to take the machine in case of any emergencies and she checked it everyday.

If her blood pressure was too high today though, it would mean that she wouldn't be allowed to board the flight.

"Where did you last have it?" Amannah asks.

"I don't know, I think Amma took it." She replies, putting her niqab on as she goes to check my mums room.

"Lemme see if it's in my room." I say before dispersing.

Khalil stands in the room, weighing the bags and putting our tags on them in case we lose them.

"Did you see a blood pressure machine anywhere?" I ask him.

"It's in Elias's room, Noor." He replies.


"Wait, why was it there?" I ask at the door.

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