chapter 1: no tommorow

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I used to believe that there'll be no ending. That my days left on this orb that we circle through, will be meaningless till death.
Black darkness.
No light.
But what if there was an ending to this dunya, one of meaning and light?

It's finally Friday. My favourite day of the week. A full 2 days now of rest after these exams, Alhamdulilah. I think to myself while shoving my books and pens in my bag after class.

"I don't know about yall but I'm thinking about knocking out today and tomorrow and maybe the day after that." Hala says while yawning.

"You do realise I'll be 19 tomorrow Hala, don't you?" I say sarcastically.

"Girl please, like I'd forget your birthday." Hala waves off.

"In'Sha'Allah you are fulfilled with immense happiness and content in this year. You know you're always in my duas." Neha says smiling, adjusting her niqab.

"Thank you Neha." I respond while getting up from my seat squeezing her cheeks, till she's gasping for air. Ugh I love this girl so much.

"You're always in my duas as well Noor." Hala says while munching on the last of my Doritos.

"Hala, give me my crisps back before I get violent." I say.

"Don't you remember when you drank half of my boba on Monday? Hmm do you Noor?" She reminds me while sprinting to the door.

"Hala today's literally Friday now you donkey, now pass me them." I say calmly, following that fatty outside.

"NO I DONT CARE! MY STOMACH WAS GOING OFF IN CLASS AS WELL!" She shouts after pouring the rest of the crisps into her big mouth.

That fatty.

"Yallah" I say whilst glaring at her.

"Alright, alright you donkeys that's enough i have to get home in time for Magrib, there's only half an hour." Neha calls out, while walking to her car.

"Oh yeah I nearly forgot, with all this girls fat shaming." Hala sighs whilst rolling her eyes.

"It's not my fault you're a fatty, finishing all my food like that." I respond as we all get into Neha's car.

"You know what I have a few granola bars in here somewhere." Neha says as she searches through her car.

"If it's one of those ones with nuts and no chocolate no thanks girl." Hala calls out while putting her seatbelt on.

"It's not for you Hala." Me and Neha both say, turning to her.

"Yallah, guys don't worry I ain't that fat." She says, putting her hands up.

"Mmhmm girl." I respond, and we all start laughing.

A few minutes pass and as Neha starts the ignition I realise I forgot my phone. Ugh why am I so forgetful?

"Shit wait I forgot my phone guys." I say, quickly opening the car door.

"Noor what did I say about swearing?" Neha quickly calls out, as I'm getting out the car.

"Sorry Mum." I apologise while waving.

"Sure she's sorry." Hala says mimicking.

"Shush you donkey!" I shout halfway to the doors.

"Shutting up Noori." She responds while giggling.

I roll my eyes, thinking how her siblings put up with her, laughing as I get past the front doors.

Quickly making my way to my regular spot in the classroom, I grab my phone before speed walking through the school making sure there's nobody there.
There was no way I was running. I'm sorry but even if I was in a life and death situation you best believe I'm still not running.

Rushing my way through the front doors. I quickly slam the entryway doors forward. To something. To someone's face.

"Yallah!" I shout, whilst looking for another exit to escape from.


"I think my nose is still intact." The man says with a low chuckle, slowly pulling the door, whilst holding his nose with another.

He's tall but I try checking his face to make sure there are no marks or bruises. But he's quite literally covering it with his hand and is tall as tree so and I drop my gaze.

"Thank God for that." I say with a relieving sigh.

"Thank God indeed, otherwise I would've sued you." He states.

I quickly look up and am greeted with the most intriguing hazel green eyes. His light brown locks are sat on his head. He's quite tall, while I'm a midget compared to him but it's normal honestly for a brown girl with iron deficiency I think to myself.

I realise I've been staring and lower my gaze.

"Well I'm sorry or I guess you can sue all you want coz I'm broke." I admit.

"Don't apologise, I know it wasn't your fault." He responds, whilst smiling at me.

Ugh I can't even see it properly because of his hand covering it. Wait why was he smiling at me? Ugh did Hala put the Dorito dust on my face? Or was it because Im naturally funny?

A ping pulls me out of my thoughts as I unlock my phone
*noori hurry up you granny before Neha plants a bomb in that building*

Crap, I quickly put my phone away and look up to the man looking down at me with a grin on his clear skinned face.

Hmm I feel like I've seen this guy before, but where? I think to myself but dismiss my thoughts quickly, as I remember Neha is gonna go mental on me if I'm a minute more late.

"Sorry again about your nose, it was really a mistake." I say.

"As I said before, you don't need to apologise and the nose is perfectly fine." He reassures me, whilst walking away from the front door, letting me pass through.

"Also what's your name?" He asks me.

Another ping comes through and I realise I've been here way too long.

"Hmm I don't know, I guess we'll see if we meet again right?" I ask.

"Right." He agrees, with a look of uncertainty and sadness.

I turn around with a smile and am finally out of the building, speed walking towards Neha's car. Thinking to myself, how am the hell am I crushing on a guy who I haven't even seen his face properly.

Till I'm welcomed with the shrieking of a vehicle.

Till I'm welcomed by the charging of the weight of metal.

Till I see the blackness taking over my vision.

ok guys that was the first chapter I hope yall liked it.

word count: 1116

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