chapter 3: the new normal

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Hers ~>

He's Halas brother? I thought to myself, trying to recollect any memory before the accident.

Did we used to speak to each other?

Oh wait, probably not, it isn't halal. But I might as well just ask, in case.

"Did we used to know each other, you know...before my accident?" I ask Hala with curiosity.

"No, but when we were kids you guys would often joke around with each other, before he moved away." She responds, pulling a bag of Doritos out of her bag.

"Here I got you these. They were your favourite. Umm you know before the accident." Hala says, before placing the crisps in my hands.

"Oh they were? You remembered?" I question, as my Abba gets into the car, after praying Magrib outside.

"Yeah of course. In fact me and you were fighting for them before the accident." She says with a sad smile.

"You girls haven't stopped fighting for food since you were little." My Abba injects, jokingly.

"That is true, Uncle." Hala responds, her cheeks turning red from laughing so hard.

We arrive at my house 20 minutes after dropping Hala off at Neha's house. My dad gently opening the door, carrying my bags and

I walk into the house with an sense of familiarity.

Well this was your home, I think to myself.

"Umm, I think I'm gonna have a shower. Is that alright?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah go before the flies get to you, Noor." my dad responds sarcastically with a wide a smile.

"Hmm are you sure that's not you?" I jokingly shot back, smiling back at him.

"I'm sure ammu. Also your room is upstairs on the right." He says with a smile.

I slowly make my way upstairs, whilst my Abba makes Saa (tea) for himself.

I finally reach my room before shutting the door, sighing.

Feeling overwhelmed.

How was I going to adjust to this new life?

I didn't even know anyone?

I don't even know myself?

Finally breaking down next to the wooden door, muffling my sobs with my sleeve. Why am I so stupid? Why can't I remember anything? What is wrong with me?

I realise that my Abba might me able to hear my sobs and I quickly get my clothes, shampoo, conditioner and a towel and wash myself in the shower, thoroughly with a loofah. Roughly scratching the surface of my body.

Silently sobbing.

His ~>

"Hala are you home?" I ask, walking through the front doors of my home

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"Hala are you home?" I ask, walking through the front doors of my home.

"Where else would I be?" She asks, sarcastically, stuffing a sandwich in her mouth.

Classic Hala.

"Dunno, I thought you were at Noor's." I answer, shrugging my jacket off.

She just shakes her head.

"Oh yeah, how do you think she's doing?" I question.

"I guess as okay as she can be for someone whose lost their memory." She responds, looking down at the ground. No longer eating her sandwich.

I pause as I reached the kitchen, remembering Noor's state today.

Her eyes wandering through mine, as she finally spots me at the hospital car park. Searching for something, anything. But she quickly diverted her attention from myself to the two hyper girls crushing her tiny body, before jumping off of her.

"Imagine this is just a big prank and she really knows our names." My little sister says, trying to whisper but fails miserably.

"Lemme guess your name is Hala?" Noor asks, as I raise my brows. Damn.

A few moments later, Noor's brother Samir walks up to me.

"Asalamulaikum Khalil, how are you bro? Heard you're back for good." He asks, before pulling me into a hug.

"Walaikumsalam bro, I guess I just decided I needed to come back for good." I respond, returning the hug. My eyes coming into view with a familiar hijabi.

"Good Khalil, it's been long. Five years long."Samir says, before checking the time on his phone.

"Sorry bro." I respond apologetically.

Myself and Samir used to be really close before I left, we slowly lost contact with each other.

"Khalil it's alright bro, the past is the past. We've grown, moved on." He reassures me.

"You know what we can do though? I'm going to the Mosque, Magrib's nearly over. Why don't you come with me?" Samir asks.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, with a small smile.

After leaving all those years ago, I started praying and reciting Qur'an less and got myself involved with the wrong crowd. It wasn't my intention. But being with the same company for years does influences your deen in more ways than one.

But I finally came to my senses when I realised that many things, many people come and go in your life but the ones who stay and bring you closer to Allah SWT are the most precious. People like Samir and Elias, my childhood friend taught me that.

As we both got into Samir's car, I cautiously looked around for any incoming cars that came into the view of Neha, Hala and Noor.

Noor's gaze dazed warily as she got into her dad's car, looking lost. She wasn't supposed to be okay I guess. I mean I would be cautious of people too if my memory was lost.

Realising they've all gotten into the car, I drop my gaze. My eyes diverting to my hands, as I realised that Noor must've felt so alone. Not only through this accident, but through all these years that have past.

The cold wind pasts my face, as I knew i couldn't rewrite our past.

yall. How did you like Khalil's pov and what do you think could've been the reason that caused Khalil to leave??

word count: 958

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