chapter 43: return

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His~> 12 days married

"You know I'm right." Elias said which made me think throughout the walk back to the checkpoint.

"Khalil I'm not trying to be nice, I'm telling you what to do. Don't come." Elias states, turning back to face me.

"But-" I say before my brother interjects.

"I'll go with them." Haadi says, causing us all to turn our heads.

"You will?" Elias asks, kind of confused.

"Elias you're as much as another annoying little brother as Khalil is. Obviously I'll go instead." He replies, with a warm smile.

"Yallah, the tickets and documents!" Baba groans, stressed as hell.

"I'll go on the next flight to Palestine Baba, don't worry." Haadi says, taking his suit blazer off.


This was all too fast for me and Elias patted my back, "I'll be okay."

"I'm sending my prayers to you, man." I reply as he hugs me.

I stood like that for a moment, comforting my best friend as he tried not to crumble.

It was hard but Allah will get him through this.

My brother and Baba were going to be with him so I didn't have any worry about anything else.

"Come back in one piece." I mutter and he nods.

"In'Sha'Allah." He replies before boarding the plane with my Baba.

Baba waved at us and kissed Hala on the head before he disappeared from sight.

"And then it was 3." Hala sighs, crossing her arms.


"What colour do you want?" Neha asks, holding a nude, white and blue nail polishes in front of me.

It was my time of the month and Neha had insisted on painting my nails.

She was currently trying to get my mind off of Khalil but all I missed was his presence.

His touch, his eyes, his grin which never used to dissipate around me and his voice.

"Umm, the nude one." I pick and she nods.

"Do you want French tips too?" She asks and my brows raise.

"You can do that?" I ask.

"If I find that brush." She laughs, getting up from the bed and looking in her suitcase.

I looked at the time on my phone and it read 2:30pm.

The time of Khalil's flight.

Hmm, should I send him a text?

I contemplated it for a few moments before tapping my fingers on the keyboard.

"Salam, Khalil In'Sha'Allah the flight goes well"

I type it but then delete it, that was too simple.

"Miss you and In'Sha'Allah you come home soon."

I wait a few seconds then delete that one too, it wasn't good enough.

"Found it!" Neha calls out with the brush.

"Haha, finally girl." I reply, giggling.

Then when she's walking back to the bed I quickly type something and send it without talking myself out of it.

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