chapter 44: births and breakdowns

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Hers~> 13 days married

"Do you wanna see something cool?" Hala asks with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask back, confused.

"A BIRTH!" She exclaims, cheering.

What on earth-

"A what?" I ask, feeling my brows knitting together.

"A birth, Noor." She repeats with a smile.

This girl actually lost it.

"You're crazy, donkey." I muttered under my breath, before walking outside.

"Wait!" She calls out, grabbing my arm.

"Hala!" I whine, rolling my eyes.

"Where's my gir- wife?" I hear Khalil call out.

"See even Khalil wants you there." Hala whispers, smirking.

"Fine! Fine!" I finally say as she tugs me to the nearby barn.

After a few minutes, I was frozen.

Stunned at the sight held in front of me.

A horse giving birth to its baby.

"Didn't think I'd see this." Khalil says from behind me.

"What is my life?" I say, shocked.

"Shush it's cute. Imagine a baby horse!" Hala squeals as the farmer helps the mother horse.

"That's gonna be Neha in a few months." I say, nudging Neha.

"More like 7 but anyways." She replies, nudging me back, playfully.

Since she'd only found out she was pregnant last month and was about 3 weeks along but with only 2 more days in Bangladesh, she would fly back with my family to have another ultrasound done.

"Guys it's nearly out!" Hala yelps and I run over to grab her but I feel someone pull me back.

"I think she'll be fine." Khalil says from behind me while covering my eyes.

"Khalil im not a baby." I reply, trying to move his hands from my face.

"Hey you said you weren't ready for a baby yet!" He jokes, chuckling only quiet enough for me to hear.

"This is a horse not a baby." I object, finally becoming so frustrated with him I bite his finger.

Just a little...

"Hey!" He yelps, waving his hand in the air.

"Y'all are worse than the actual animals in here." Samir chuckles, shaking his head.

"My girl and I are doing just fine!" Khalil jokes back before kissing my forehead.

"Gross." Samir replies, walking out of the barn.

Just as he leaves Armaan rushes in with towels, "let's wrap her in this."

"Her? How do you already know she's a she?" Hala asks, getting up from the hay.

"Perks of being a vet." Armaan replies, grinning as he does his job.

"Let's go." Khalil calls out to us all.

"What? Why?" Hala asks with a wide mouth.

"Maybe because the mother and baby horses need a little space." Khalil replies, gesturing to the Armaan who was cleaning it.

"Yeah, umm- I think that's a good idea!" Neha agrees, dragging Hala out of the barn while I follow them.

"Guys what should we name her?" Hala asks as she gets shoved back inside the house so Armaan is left in peace.

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