chapter 46: training

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Hers~> 16 days married

"Are you going to get up, Noor?" Khalil asks as I cover myself with the covers.

Myself and Khalil arrived at the house rental at 2am and I was knackered to say the least.

Khalil had wanted to get a rental instead of a hotel since he thought I'd be more comfortable with a space that only he and I could be in together.

Gratefully I accepted too since he was the one paying for it and not me.

"It's too early." I reply.

"It's 9am and I wanna do some stuff so get your cute self up." He says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Khalil, let me sleep!" I whine before he pulls back the covers with one hand.

"Are you telling me you're gonna waste the first day of our honeymoon sleeping?" He asks as I feel the bright sun shine weigh down on my face like a burning flame.

"No, I'm simply telling you that I value my sleep." I reply, opening my eyes. "Unlike you."

"Is that so?" He asks with a grin.

Khalil was wearing grey joggers and a white top which made me think whether he went out or not.

"Yep." I reply, rubbing my eyes.

"Well that's a shame since I thought you wanted to teach girls how to box." He says with a dramatic sigh before getting up from the bed.

Teaching girls how to box?

"Did you just say what I think you just said?" I ask, jumping out of the bed.

He stops in his path, turning around to face me with a nod.

"KHALIL!" I say with excitement, putting my arms around him and he chuckles lowly.

"Haven't seen you this excited since our wedding, pigtails." He smiles.

"Well maybe it's because we're gonna teach them how to box!" I reply, eagerly.

"Come on then, hayati. Get changed and I'll meet you at the pool." Khalil says before walking to the door.

"Get changed into what, Khalil? You didn't tell me we were going to be training today otherwise I would've gotten some sports clothes." I groan, putting a hand on my head.

"Oh crap, I nearly forgot!" He replies, leaving to the bathroom to get something.

Hmm, what's he getting?

Khalil comes back in the room after a few seconds with a blue gift bag, "Got you this in the morning."

"What is it?" I ask, confused.

"Open it and find out." He replies, putting his hands in his pockets.

As I try to fight the smile from appearing on my lips, I take the tissue papered wrapped gift and open it.

They were boxing gloves with a stripe of blue.

"I thought you might want your own." Khalil says, nervously.

"You got me my own?" I ask, feeling my heart emerge with love.

"If you don't like them it's fine, we can go back and excha-" He says with a worried expression on his face.

He thought I didn't like them?

Closing the gap between us, I take his face in my hands and kiss him right on his lips.

I feel his lips turning into a smile before he says, "So I guess you do like them?"

"I love them." I reply, grinning as I pull back from him.

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