chapter 37: space

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His~> 6 days married

Looking around for Noor I probably looked like an absolute madman but I didn't care.

We all had gone back to the house because everyone had thought they'd be back there but no sign.

"Did she call you before?" I ask Hala.

"Nothing, Khalil." She replies, concerned.

I was worried, I knew she was with Samir and Haadi but still I had a gut feeling that something was off.

"I'm sure they'll be back in a bit." Amannah says, looking at me with a slight nod.

"I don't know, Amannah." I reply, not convinced.

"Let's go check if they're back." Abba says, gesturing to me, Elias, Armaan and Baba.

My father in law grew up here so he knew all the paths and didn't need anyone else to come with us.

I nod and we all follow him, "She'll be alright." Elias says to me while rubbing my back.

"In'Sha'Allah, nothing happens to her." I reply under my breath.

After 20 minutes of searching there was still no sign of any of them.

"I'm gonna check this way!" I shout to the others with Armaan.

"Alright we'll go this way!" Elias shot back, walking to the other side.

"Why haven't they at least called?" I ask, frustrated.

"I don't know man but Haadi and Samir won't let anything happen to them, man." He replies as we get to a road and I spot something familiar.

Running to the object I realise it's Noor's silver bangle.

"Whose is that?" Armaan asks bending down to where I am.

"Noors." I mutter.

He looks at me with worry in his eyes and we both run to the way in which the bangle was placed.

"Noor! Haadi!" I shout, running a hand over my face.

"Samir!" Armaan shouts.

After another 10 minutes of searching through the streets, I reached my peak.

Scared wasn't even an emotion I felt right now but it was fear.

Fear that whatever, whoever had done something wouldn't let me see my girl again.

The feeling was familiar though.

Although I may have moved on today was making me remember the past.

My mother passing, the blood, the tears, the fights, everything.

It was all too much.

My heart seized in my chest and it almost felt like it was going to explode from within.

"Khalil, deep breaths." Armaan says with a contagious smile.

He was trying to keep me relaxed but my Noor being lost was on the top of my mind.

"Come on, bro I know you can do it." He says, this time breathing in and out with me.

After a few minutes I regain my breathing and he offers me a handshake.

"Panic attack?" He asks, passing me some water.

I nod slowly, "How did you know?"

"Perks of being a vet." He replies, walking away with a smile.

Hmm he was a good one I can't lie.

Without him Aslan would've gotten infected with God knows what.

"Khalil, I think I hear something." Armaan says.

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