chapter 50: fate

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His~> 67 days married

"So what happens now?" Noor asks, standing awkwardly in our room.

"Nows the time where I hold you till we fall asleep, isn't it?" I ask, shrugging.

"Yeah it is." Noor agrees, trying to fight the smile that is playing on her lips.

"Noor come here." I tell her as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Mmhmm." She says, taking her hijab off.

"Noor." I say impatiently, getting up from the bed and making my way to her.

"Khalil, what are you doi-" She asks as I pick her up from the floor and carrying her in my arms till my heart's beating faster than I can think and I wonder if she can feel it too.

"I missed you." I whisper, with a sigh.

"Me too, Mr Hassan." She replies as she pulls me to her lips, before I set her down on the bed.

The next day~

It had been 2 days since Noor had come back home and I was currently admiring her.

Her curly hair was effortlessly around her as she slept.

Pushing a strand away from her face, I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand. Her skin was soft and smooth but she began to awake from her slumber.

Sitting up on the bed, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table to check the time.


WAIT 8:00AM?


Granted I was the boss now but I still had to get the gym ready and reply to the emails for my new students.

Kissing my Noor on her cheek, i took my phone and pressed on camera.

Should I take a photo with her?

Of course I should.

Pressing the 0.5 angle, I chose the 3 second timer.

Instead of smiling at the camera I opposed for an annoyed expression since she was sleeping in today but obviously I wasn't mad.

After taking the photo, I send it to Noor on iMessage with the caption: 'my sleeping beauty.'

As soon as I had finished getting ready, I quickly made Noor some chocolate chip pancakes and a side of fruit.

She's my wife, I have to feed her after all.

"So who's gonna spread the news?" Elias asks in my office.

"I think we should gather all the students together to tell them first." I reply, looking to the sheet in my hand.

"Come on then." Elias says with a grin.

Ever since Elias had come back home, he was a little numb to everything but after a week he had returned back to his normal self.

I nod to him as he follows me out to the main boxing ring where everyone is waiting with the other trainers.

"Asalamulaikum, guys." I say at the front, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Walaikumsalam boss!" Elias shouts back as everyone laughs.

I chuckle back before continuing my speech, "So you guys might be wondering why you're here instead of training?"

They all nod in response.

"As you guys might know, we're making renovations to the gym. Does anyone want to guess why?" I ask and Hamza raises his hand.

When me and Noor had arrived back from the Maldives Ibrahim and Hamza's aunts health had improved.

I can't rewrite our fate Where stories live. Discover now