chapter 15: truths

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"What was so urgent you needed to call my little sister, Khalil?" Samir asked.

"Why don't you ask Elias that, since he was the one having a tantrum over it?" I asked, looking to Elias.

"Alright I guess I was a bit over dramatic but me and Khalil have no idea what to wear for the wedding on Sunday." Elias said, pacing.

Samir looked to me and Elias multiple times before shouting.

"So when I asked you guys if you had anything to wear why did you lot say yes?" He shot out.

"Want to explain that again for him, Elias?" I asked, grabbing some water for Samir.

The guy looked like he was about to erupt.

"Umm- so I maybe have...spilt some curry on the suits." Elias quietly said.

"Lord give me strength." Samir sighed as I handed him the water.

"Okay, but we were hoping if you had any." I said.

"Of course I have some. This isn't my first time going to a wedding." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, should we come tomorrow then?" Elias asked, sounding much happier.

"Yeah, what time do you guys finish work at?" Samir said.

"We both finish at 6 on weekends." I replied.

"Then 6 it is." He said.

"Sounds good bro." I responded.

"Tell me again, how did you get Noor's number?" Samir asked, folding his arms.

Samir had every right to be pissed at me, I mean I would've been annoyed if he had Hala's.

"Hala showed me her Instagram account." I replied.

He didn't really look convinced.

"Alright, but if anything happened I'm going-" Samir said, but was interrupted by Elias.

"Samir nothing happened, I was next to him while he told her okay?" Elias said.

"Good, because if something did then you know what's going to happen when her memory comes back." Samir stated.

I looked to him as he looked like he was going to punch me.

I knew I left those years ago, which he knew left Noor upset. That was the reason I fell out of contact with Samir, him and I both knew it.

But I didn't understand if I was back now, why he would have such a problem if me and Noor became close once again.

I would never mean anything haram of it. My intentions were pure and everyone close to me knew it.

I knew now that she still meant what I felt for her all those years ago. That feeling never weakened, nor left me.

"Her memory would come back sooner or later Samir. I don't understand why that would be such a big deal." I replied.

"You really don't get it man." He said, frustrated.

"What is it? I know we both fell out but that was when we were kids. I made a mistake that day and I've owned up to it." I said.

"Khalil I forgave you back then for leaving with no notice, but will she?" Samir said, looking to me with arms raised.

"I'll apologise Samir. I didn't come back here for no reason." I replied.

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