chapter 42: don't go

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Hers~> 11 days married

The night felt long, for the most of it I was wide awake thinking about the rest of the trip without Khalil.

He had to leave and I wasn't going to stop him. If it was Neha I'd be the same.

I wondered about how Elias was going to handle everything.

Halfway through the night Khalil woke up, thinking I was asleep.

"You're awake?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I reply, turning my neck to face him.

He nods knowingly and begins to get up.

"You going somewhere?" I ask him, scratching my scalp.

"Gonna check on Elias. I don't want him to think he's alone." He replies and I nod.

"If he can't sleep then stay with him." I say and he pauses when getting out of the net.

He's going to speak then stops himself and nods once again before leaving the room.

I let out a sigh and begin to look back to the ceiling.

Ya Rabb, help him get through this with your guidance, I pray.

At this point I was waiting for Fajr and after praying and getting back in bed I realised it was 5am.

An hour after Khalil had left the bed, I realised he was going to stay with Elias and I felt comfort within. Knowing Elias had a good support system I knew that he was going to be okay.

"You alright?" I ask Hala, at 9am.

In the night Baba had organised Elias's flight tickets and all the paperwork. He had also sorted his own and Khalil's so Elias wasn't alone, thank God.

"Yeah, don't worry about me Noor." She replies, putting a light pink scarf on.

She actually did look okay and knowing her brother and Baba were going with Elias which also made her more relaxed.

"His flights at 2pm." I say and she nods.

"I'm gonna go to the airport with them. Haadi's gonna go too with your dad. Are you gonna come?" Hala asks.

Did I want to come?

I knew that it would be harder for me if I saw him leaving on that plane so instead of saying yes I just shake my head.

We later leave the room and Abba greets me, "Asalamulaikum, ammu. You okay?" He asks, wrapping an arm around me.

"Yep, I'm okay, Abba." I reply, resting my head on his chest.

"Alhamdulilah." He responds with a smile.

I nod my head then walk away to Elias's room.

I contemplate whether to knock but then quickly do it before I back out.

"Who is it?" Khalil calls out.

"Umm, me..." I reply, reluctantly and I hear movement from the room.

Seconds later Khalil unlocks the door and greets me with a small smile.

"I- umm wanted to ask if you were going to pack yet." I say, looking to the floor.

"Yeah I am, thanks for reminding me, pigtails." He replies, causing me to feel relief due to the nickname.

I look up and realise he's just studying me, i move my attention to Elias who's currently packing his stuff.

"Mind if I?" I ask Khalil, gesturing to Elias.

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