Chapter 1: Look Alive Sunshine

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Ashlee's car races down the getaway mile as Nat is leaned out the window with a missile launcher pointed at the BL/IND company car speeding to keep up with them. Shelby launches a grenade out the window and blows up the car full of draculiods. "How much farther till Zone-6? It's almost sun down." Nat asks as Ashlee and Shelby sigh in relief. "About 20 minutes away, why you wanna meet Party?" Ashlee asks in a teasing tone. In response Nat's face goes bright red and they try their hardest to deny it but Shelby and Ashlee know the truth.

*time skip*

Ashlee puts the car in park and shuts the engine off. Soon the Fab Four walk out of their diner home and over to the car. Before anyone could react, Kobra Kid pries open the sun roof hatch and drops into the car. He pulls Shelby into a tight hug as he moves to sit with her in the passenger seat. Fun ghoul flings the drivers door open and hugs Ashlee as tight as he could before dragging her out of the car so Jet Star could greet her as well. Nat steps out of the car and is immediately pinned to the side of it by Party, "So at last we meet. I've heard about you through Dr. D and those idiots. Also I see you dyed your hair red too my little strawberry twin." He says smugly as Nat gave a smug look back to him in response. "ASHLEE! SHELBY! PARTY AND NAT ARE GONNA PLAY MAYONNAISE ROULETTE!" Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, and Kobra Kid all yelled in unison.

Shelby and Ashlee whip their weapons out and walk over to Party and Nat. "Take 6 steps back away from Nat, or I'll shoot you." Shelby ordered, to which Party scoffed and rolled their eyes. "Listen tiny, you're dating my brother. So if anything I should be doing this type of crap to you guys." Party said before Ashlee shot the ground in front of their feet. "Also put the guns up, we need to talk. Why did you three get kicked out of Battery City?" They asked which made Nat, Ashlee, and Shelby laugh mischievously in unison. "Let's go inside, I'll fill you in." Nat tells Party, Fun Ghoul wiggles his eyebrows and wolf whistles as Kobra Kid and Jet Star start laughing. "NOT LIKE THAT! I-I mean I wouldn't mind that b-but THAT IS NOT THE POINT!" Nat rambles as their face gets red like it did in the car. Ashlee and Shelby give Nat alarmed and shocked looks as the two of them try not to laugh. "Kobra you better go save your brother." Jet Star says jokingly as he nudges Kobra with his elbow and laughing hysterically.

*time skip*

"What's in the pup cups?" Ashlee and Shelby ask in unison to which Jet Star opens one and reveals ravioli like food only it's in the shape of a honey comb and weird shapes.

The smell from the freshly opened can made the two want to throw up but Jet Star soon laughed and handed the can to Fun Ghoul who happily took it and started eating

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The smell from the freshly opened can made the two want to throw up but Jet Star soon laughed and handed the can to Fun Ghoul who happily took it and started eating. He looked over to Ashlee who was giving him a disgusted and sad look, "I'm getting the food from the car." Shelby chimed in as Kobra Kid jumped from his seat and rushed beside her as Ashlee kept giving him the weird look. "What?" Fun Ghoul asks as Ashlee walks over and takes the can then reaches into her pocket and hands him a small sandwich bag of gold fish crackers.

Jet Star walks over and hugs the two of them then crawls over Fun Ghoul's lap and into the diner booth seat next to him. Ashlee sits on the other side as Shelby brings the food into the diner, also called D.I.E by the Fab Four. "Ok that's it, where the fuck are those red haired bastards?!" Kobra asks as he flings the doors open. A little girl with frizzy hair and a brightly colored jacket ran out of the back and over to Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, and Ashlee with a wide smile on her face. She put the radio on the table, Dr. Death Defying's voice could be clearly heard over the sound of static.

"Two red haired Killjoys just saved the lives of a group of scavengers one is Party Poison and I'm being told by Show Pony the other one goes by Cyanide Ghost. In other news, two other nameless killjoys have joined the Fab Four and Cyanide. No traffic report today after the three newbies blew up the cars on the getaway mile. Dr. D signing off."

"I found em!" The Girl says proudly as she looks towards Kobra Kid who gives her a thumbs up before storming outside. Shelby sets the bags on the counter top and goes after him to make sure he doesn't do anything reckless. Then the sound of a car pulling up outside then the sound of yelling could be heard. Ashlee, Fun Ghoul, Fun Ghoul, and the girl rush outside to see Kobra and Party throwing punches at one another. Shelby and Nat tried to break the brothers apart and stop the fight but ended up getting caught in the middle of it.

Shelby uses her fingers and jabs Kobra in the side, making him break up the fight. Nat shoves Party back against the car then grabs their hand and brings them into the diner. "What the hell did we miss?" Fun Ghoul asks really confused as Kobra stands up angrily and dusts the sand and dirt off himself. "Kobra calm your ass down, don't worry guys he's just worried about his brother. Especially since both them and Nat took off out of the blue without telling any of us." Shelby says to the group. The girl looked up to Jet Star and Fun Ghoul sadly, "Dads...Will Uncle Party be ok?" She asks which makes Kobra and Shelby freeze in shock and confusion. "Yeah sweetie, I'm sure Uncle Party will be just fine. Now go help your mama, she's waiting on you." Jet Star says to which the girl smiles and runs inside the D.I.E and over to Ashlee who was cooking her chicken nuggets and fries.

"YOU GUYS HAVE A KID WITH ASHLEE?!" Both Kobra and Shelby exclaim in unison as Jet Star and Fun Ghoul turn on their heels and run into the D.I.E soon being followed by Shelby and Kobra who had thousands of questions. Once inside they see Nat and Party sitting in one of the booths talking and flicking a paper ball at one another. "Wait a minute! Where the hell did you guys get actual food?!" Fun Ghoul asks only for Ashlee to tell him a long drawn out story about breaking into the capital buildings bank vault and seeing all the foods that are actual foods so her, Shelby, and Nat took all of it.

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