Chapter 18: F.T.W.W.W

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"Anyone need a hand?" Nat said as they threw a severed hand onto the bar counter. Jet drew back in disgust and Val stared at the hand in horror. "Where the hell did you get that?!" Party asks after walking over from the kitchen. Ashlee then runs up from the basement and over to the group, "WE HAVE A PROBLEM! BOB WAS A SPY FOR BL/IND!" Before anyone could move or do anything, blasts from laser guns shot through the windows and doors. Nat tackles Party to the ground and saves them from a blast. Jet and Kobra ducked down behind the counter while Ashlee and Ghoul hid behind a set of pillars. "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP KILLJOYS! WE HAVE THE ENTIRE BUILDING SURROUNDED!" A woman's voice yells into a megaphone, it was the Director. "How the fuck is this lady alive we gave her a bloody cremation on the sidewalk back in Bat City?!" Nat asked before Party pulled them against their chest. Shelby and Cherri came downstairs to see what the commotion was all about only to almost be shot by one of the blasts fired by a draculoid. 

Soon the draculoids stormed into the building and grabbed hold of the killjoys. Two of the dracs tried to pull Nat and Party apart only to have their wrists broken and the wind being knocked out of them. The director walked into the room, "Where is the one you call Party Poison?" She asks with a creepily sinister smirk. Party and Nat held each other tighter as the group looked over to the two of them. The director smiled evilly and coldly before making her way over to them. "Ah yes, one of the three most wanted criminals with the government traitors. And both of them displaying care for one another, very pathetic I must say." She says coldly.

Soon she was shot by a girl with fuzzy dirty blonde (almost brown) hair, hazel colored eyes, and wore a brightly colored tank top and ripped black jeans. She held a brightly colored graffiti covered gun. Grace ran out of one of the rooms and stood beside her while the draculoids tried to get them but the group grabbed their guns and killed all the draculoids. The girl ran over to Party and Nat who both hugged her tightly, "We told you to stay hidden Bandit! You could've gotten hurt!" Party exclaimed but Bandit pulled out of the hug and put her hands on her hips and looked up at Party. "No no no, you're supposed to be thanking me for saving you!" Bandit sassed back then crossed her arms. "Who's kid is this?" Shelby, Cola, and Val all ask in unison but as the kid turns around to look at them so does Party and Nat. "YOU TWO HAVE A KID?!" Kobra yelled but Bandit held up her hand and placed her middle and ring finger on her thumb then stuck her index and pinky finger up, "Quiet coyote Uncle Kobra." Bandit told him before Party took over in explaining the story.

"Me and Nat found her whenever we first found this place and we kinda took her in as our own. Gave her a killjoy name and let her paint her own gun." Party said but Jet then asked, "How come we've never seen her until now?" But Bandit smiled proudly before responding. "Because I'm a sneaky son of a bitch...or you're just really blind because your hair is always in your face." Ghoul started laughing but Grace smacked him. "Also the director fucker is looking at me funny." Bandit said before firing her gun and shooting director again. "We should introduce Bandit to the other kids." Shelby suggests but soon the other three kids come running down the stairs.

"DAD! PAPA! MAMA! PADRE! THERE'S SOME RANDOM KID! HER NAME IS BANDIT AND standing right there." The kids yell in unison but stopped when they all three saw Bandit. "I say we all get to know each other better. For starters I'm Bandit, and I hate these mother fuckers!" She yells the last part and shoots Director again this time hitting her in the shoulder. "Also Party and Nat are my new parents." Bandit speaks again this time in a happy tone. She then runs over and latched herself onto Party's leg.

*time skip to after cleaning up the dracs*

"GHOUL! STOP EATING THE FUCKING SAND! NOW FRANKIE IS TRYING TO DO IT!" Ashlee and Jet yell in unison as Ghoul spits the sand out of his mouth. Kobra was talking with Party about what things were like when they were both kids, meanwhile Bandit and Grace were both floating on the water in the pool. Shelby and Cherri were grilling for the groups dinner and Val was making sure the kids didn't drown. Nat made their way over to Party with Iris and Willow following behind. "Uncle Party! We made Uncle Nat pretty for you!" Both cheered in unison as Party turned their attention from their little brother over to Nat before lifting their sunglasses and gazing at Nat. They wore a pair of black ripped jean shorts, one of Party's tank tops, and sunglasses. "Take a picture Gee, it'll last longer." Nat to them before walking off. "Well Mikey, we'll have to continue this conversation some other time." Party said but before they could face forward they fell in the pool.

Kobra and Nat started laughing but Party tugged both of them into the pool. "GHOUL! JET! NO!" Ashlee yelled before being abruptly tossed into the pool. Jet walked over to help Shelby and Cherri cook dinner, Ghoul on the other hand got a running start before throwing himself at Ashlee who was struggling to see because of the water in her eyes. Ghoul lands and takes Ashlee under the water with him as Grace and Bandit begin annoying Val. Soon dinner is done cooking and everyone is eating but as the night sky grew darker the world became cooler. Eventually everyone went to their rooms and got dried off for bed. After a while the sound of the desert night lulled everyone to sleep. Therefore marking the end to another day.

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