Chapter 32: House Of Wolves

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*1 year later*

"The kids are finally asleep." Cherri says as he closes the door and walks over to Jet who yawns before turning to see Party shakily walking down the hallway in a skirt and tank top. "D-Don't ask..." They snarl but Nat catches them before they fall to the floor. "Sorry boys if we were loud, Gee wouldn't shut up." Nat chuckled as Party laid limp against their chest after being scooped up. Cherri widens his eyes and turns his gaze away as Jet sighs, "You two need to be stopped. It's like an every night thing anymore."

Nat laughs as Party scoffs. "Poison what are you acting all tough for? You can't even walk on your own." As Nat teases them Party while Cherri and Jet walk away. "Hopefully they don't wake the kids." Cherri says quietly to Jet before wishing him goodnight and walking into him and Shelby's bedroom.

*the next morning*

Ashlee and Ghoul wake up in a different room to see Nat and Party both laying on the floor in a different room behind a barrier. "Where the fuck am I?!" Ghoul yells but Nat sits up from the other side, "Bro it's that fucking gas station sushi we found!" Suddenly a voice comes on over a loud speaker it's the woman who runs Battery City, The Director.

"Welcome KillJoys to your new homes! I've granted you each a communication unit so you can communicate with all of us, the room are a bit hard to hear in. Also all the new drama I've been told about the little ones you've all raised has been my favorite story to hear. Do not fear we have not taken your kids, not yet anyways. Those cameras are being displayed back at your pathetic hotel so all can watch as we-" Her sentence was cut off my Ghoul turning his intercom on and asking if she ever shuts up. "As I was saying! Better Living Industry has no use for your children yet, more so how they come to be. My sources have told me some have powers, is that correct?" Director asks but Party shakily stood up and turned on the com unit, "We ain't telling you shit! Wait...You wanna know how we make out kids?!" Party exclaims before turning to look at Nat who couldn't help but laugh.

The Director hesitantly asks why they seemed frightened but then Ghoul spots the camera in his room, "What's this thing? Can I eat it? I really wanna eat it." Ghoul asks Ashlee as he tugs at the camera. "STOP HIM BEFORE HE BREAKS THE CAMERA!" The director shouts and soon draculoids run in and tug Ghoul off the camera before leaving seconds later. "Please tell me what you all do in a day." Director says again but Nat and Ashlee walk over to the coms and response with names. "Party" "Ghoul, Jet, and Kobra"

Party stares daggers at Ashlee for throwing Kobra into this mess so they stand up and shakily stumble over to the barrier and tries to punch a hole in it but it doesn't work and their knuckles begin bleeding. "MY BABY!" Nat yells as they run back to Party's side and help them back to the corner of the room to sit down. Medical dracs walked in with a first aid kit and wrap Party's hand in bandages after cleaning it. "That's what you get!" Ashlee taunts but Ghoul just smooshes his face against the glass to see the two on the other side of the barrier. The cameras turned off and went back into the wall panels before Director spoke again. "Back to my questions...Why do your kids have powers and how do they get them?" She asks but everyone just shrugged. "I'm radioactive so that might be something." Ghoul throws out before laughing.

"How does the zydrate feel once it begins wearing off?" She asks again only for Nat to make a jacking off hand jesters. "WHY DID WE HAVE TO TAKE THESE ONES?! THE OTHER ONES WOULD'VE OUT UP MUCH LESS RESISTANCE!" Director yells then a voice is overheard in the background, it was Korse. "Listen here you bald headed bitch! I know it's your sorry ass she's talking to and once I get my pale fucking fingers on you I can guarantee I'm going to make your musty ass skull into a bowl for my fucking cereal!" Party yells into the com after stumbling over to it as fast as he could. "The killjoys true colors are finally coming out.  violence, lust, and mindless rage." Director stated in a disgustful tone. "Bitch! We're violent? Have you've seen what the hell you've been making your dracs do?!" Ashlee yells back.

"Trashy Edna from The Incredibles, a good Snow White because both of you are bitches, looking like a fucking short and straight haired Mother Gothel from Tangled, girl out here looking like an emo Velma from Scooby-Doo and to top it off you look like a cosplay version of Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction!" Ghoul and Nat insulted the Director in unison.

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