🩸Horror Chapter🩸

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The group was all downstairs talking when suddenly the lights went out. It was around 9:30 and the sun was fully set, Val went to go fix the power when suddenly his screams filled the hotel. Running over to check on him the others see him laying on the ground in a large puddle of blood, he tried to crawl towards the group but was pulled back into the darkness. Sickening crunches were heard before his jacket got thrown out and landed in front of the group's feet. "What the actual fuck?!" Jet asked freaked out as the group all scattered and ran for the doors only to find them unable to open, locked by a mysterious force. "Dad what is going on?!" Iris asks as she begins crying. "We need to find a way to get the fuck out of here!" Kobra yells as he tries to kick the doors open.

Cherri grabs his gun and pulls Shelby close to him. After another firm kick to the glass Kobra falls to the ground and holds his leg, blood leaks out of the cracks of his grip. "Part of the glass got me, help please!" Kobra cried out as Party ran over to help, Ghoul grabbed the medkit and started to clean the wound. Ashlee looked over at the door to see no broken glass only a blood splatter, "We can't break the windows." She said in realization. The overhead speakers turned on and a record began playing, "Hello to all who have joined this lovely curse with me. This very hotel has a dark past, very dark. Something old sick and very very fucking demented just ki-killed my whole fucking team." A shaky voice spoke but the voice soon got more paranoia induced as it continued to play. "What curse you might be asking, well, I have this book. I stole this book that I found. If you read from its pages then something bad happens, I-I don't know what'll happen to me but...you can't escape it."

The audio cut off and the room was silent besides the sounds of the five children crying. Ghoul grabbed his gun and marched over to the spot where Val's blood stained the floor then he raised his gun and began firing into the darkness, slowly and unknowingly walking closer. "GHOUL GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM OVER THERE!" Ashlee and Jet yelled but it was too late, Ghoul got pulled into the darkness. Moments go by and Ghoul walks out of the darkness and over to the group. He collapsed in Jet's arms and Kobra hurried over as fast as he could without popping the fresh stitches in his calf. Ghoul's once closed eyes now we're wide open and leaking black goo, "You guys are so gullible. You'll all be dead by dawn." Ghoul said as his eyes turned completely black, his voice had a twisted and demonic tone to it. "Frank snap out of it!" Ashlee yelled then tugged him from Jet's grasp.

"Awww you're about to cry over this pathetic excuse of a meat puppet." The demon said but Frankie ran up behind him with a shovel and hit him with it. The blunt force knock Ghoul out cold and the demonic possessing him escaped from his mouth. "Sorry Papa but you were gonna hurt us." Frankie said then hugged Ghoul's unconscious form. Grace and Bandit grabbed their guns and began protecting their parents. Shelby and Cherri stood guard of Iris and Willow who were crying harder and just wanted things to go back to normal. "It's ok kiddos, we're not going to let anything hurt you." Cherri said as he hugged both the crying kids, three thumps on the ground echoed through the room. "PARTY WAKE UP!" Nat yelled as they tried to wake Party up but to no avail. Kobra and Jet laid on the ground next to Ashlee who had Ghoul in her arms.

Party's eyes flicked open suddenly and began to leak the same black goo that Ghoul's eyes did. "Nat! Get away from them! Ashlee! Get over here!" Shelby yells but before Nat could move away from Party, they grabbed onto their arm and held them tightly. "PARTY SNAP OUT OF IT!" Nat yells but Party demonically laughs and grabs Nat's neck. "STOP IT!" Bandit yelled as Cherri pulled her away from Nat and Party. "You realize I can read your mind right?" The demon told Nat which made their face go red as they look away. "KOBRA LET GO!" Ashlee yells as Kobra pins her to the floor. Jet runs towards Shelby and Cherri as they escort the kids upstairs. Cherri tells Shelby and the kids to run and hide as he tries to hold Jet off. "You'll die by the first shine of the sun." The demon possessing Jet tells Cherri. Nat breaks out of possessed Party's grip and runs over to help Ashlee but is tripped and pulled against Party again. Shelby ran down the stairs and shoved Jet off of Cherri as Ashlee pinned Kobra to the ground. "A-Ashlee stop it! It hurts!" Kobra cried out but when Ashlee let go of him she was put in a headlock by Ghoul.

Party shoved Nat to the wall and held their gun to their temple. "Damn, this stupid strawberry meat suit picked a dirty minded little shit!" The demon yelled then slammed the gun on the counter before leaving Party's body. The demons soon left the fabulous four's bodies which made them all collapse onto the floor. Nat caught Party as they laid limply. Ashlee moved Ghoul, Kobra, and Jet's unconscious bodies beside one another, Cherri asked Shelby if she was ok to which she nodded and began to patch up his wounds he got from fighting Jet. Soon Val limped out from the darkness clutching his bloodied and broken arm. Shelby and Cherri wrapped the arm up and put it in a cast. Nat sat in the corner holding Party closely and cleaning their face off from the blood and black goo. "They'll be ok, the other idiots are waking up." Val said to which Nat ignored and moved hair from Party's face. "I'm sorry I shot them a while back. I was still under BL/IND's control." Val told Nat who glared at him. The white haired male sat down against the wall beside Nat who scooted away with Party in their arms.

*time skip*

The sun began to rise and the group was all asleep on the floor as the kids came down the stairs and walked quietly over to their parents. "Are they...dead?" Willow asked and started crying as Iris teared up at the thought. Frankie grabbed the shovel and walked over to Jet with a mischievous smile. "One way to find out." She says before using the handle of the shovel and smacking Jet with it. He woke up and groaned in pain at the impact. "Hurray you assholes aren't dead!" She cheered as Grace ran over and hugged all of them. Bandit woke Party up first and they first asked if she was ok to which Bandit nodded and Party woke Nat up. When Nat saw Party awake they hugged both them and Bandit as Shelby and Cherri walked over.

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