Chapter 31: Cemetery Drive

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The sound of yelling echoed through the hotel as Ghoul and Ray drug Party inside, Mikey and Bandit looked over to watch the scene unfold. Bug slept soundly in Shelby's arms as Ashlee went over to help Ghoul and Jet get Party to calm down. "NO! NAT DIED SAVING ME SO IT IS ONLY RIGHT I DEFEND THEIR FUCKING GRAVE!" Party cried but Cherri stopped them before they could say anymore, "Nat also told you to take care of Bandit and Bug but you haven't been inside to even see them since we buried Nat."

"You haven't taken care of the kids?!" A voice exclaims loudly from behind the group. Everyone turns to see Nat being hugged by Bandit who still held her Nintendo Switch in her hands. Party shakily stood on their feet before stumbling over to Nat, "Y-You're alive?!" They cried but before they could reach Nat they stopped them. "I've got a bone to pick with you assholes, you all buried me alive! Shelby and Ashlee had to unbury me!" Nat sasses the group.

Jet was the first to speak up, "You were cold to the touch." Ashlee sighed at him, "Nat's always cold you dumbass." The room fell silent before Party got the courage to speak, "You weren't breathing..." To which Nat put their hands on their hips after Bandit had went to sit down. "I passed out, you of all people should know." Party then collapsed into Nat's arms and mumbled apologies only for Nat to rub their back.  " didn't die?" Korse asked from the counter, Nat told him no and explained how after Shelby and Ashlee dug them up from being buried alive Val had to patch them up and they slept in the storage shed for a week. "Party could've went to see me but they clearly didn't take the hints." They continued which made Party confused, "Is that what the trail of lit candles and flower petals was all about?" The group face palmed at the question.

"Clearly!" Nat said before picking them up in their arms and walking towards the stairs. "Hey! Where do you think you're going with my brother?!" Kobra asked in a stern tone but Nat laughed, "Sorry Mikey! Me and your older brother gotta put the wand in the chamber of secrets!" Kobra went red in the face and started for the stairs but Jet picked him up from under the arms and held him up. The group laughed which made Bug yawn and wake up, "Morning Bug how'd you sleep?" Cherri asked but Bug only stared into his soul before smacking him. "Why are all your kids so aggressive?" Korse asked but Bandit walked over and asked him for an ice cube from his drink.

Thinking nothing of it Korse said she could have one, Bandit smiled before sticking her whole hand in his drink and pulling one an ice cube. She smiled and ran over to Ghoul before sticking it down the back of his tank top. He yelped and tried to get the ice out as he cursed at Bandit but she kept laughing as he struggled due to the ice moving.

*Three days later*

Jet sprinted down the stairs yelling something about the grizzlies being back. But before anyone could ask anything they heard Ashlee yell, "RAYMOND TORO GET YOUR ASS BACK UP HERE NOW!" Kobra, Ghoul, Cherri, and Party all look at him in shock. "CHERRI COLA COME HERE!" Shelby said in a fake deep manly voice from the top of the staircase, Cherri laughed and walked up to her but before he could Jet handed him something. Looking down he saw a positive pregnancy test. His eyes widen and when he looks up slightly to see Shelby peering into his soul inches away from him which causes him to yelp but then pull her into a hug.

"RAY GET UP HERE BEFORE I COME DOWN THERE! YOU AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT IF I DO!" Ashlee yelled louder this time which caused Jet to launch another pregnancy test to Ghoul and Kobra. The two looked to Jet with shock as Ashlee seemingly appeared behind him out of thin air. "How come Nat and Party are the only couple here that isn't threatening to kill one another?!" Kobra exclaimed as Ashlee lifted Jet up and carried him back upstairs. "Where is Nat anyways?" Ghoul asked but before Party could answer Cherri let out a cheer of happiness  that sounded more like a cry for help but everyone ignored it. "Well...Nat's leg was messed up in the fight so they've been in bed for a couple days." Party came up with the excuse but Kobra scoffed, "Another words Party had a temper tantrum because Nat was alive all along, so dumbass had rough mayonnaise roulette."

Ghoul started laughing and pointed his tattooed finger at Party who glared at Kobra and was flushed red in the face. "Mikey shut the fuck up, like you don't do the same exact thing when you're pissed off." Party snapped but then Frankie ran downstairs angrily which drew everyone's attention. "CAN YOU ASSHOLES STOP GETTING PREGNANT FOR 5 FUCKING SECONDS?! HOLY SHIT! YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO TEACH AN ENTIRE SMALL ARMY! STOP FUCKING ONE ANOTHER FOR DESTROYA'S SAKE!" She exclaimed which made Ghoul start laughing harder and her outburst also caused Shelby and Ashlee to go red in the face.

Moments later Cherri exclaims him and Shelby are having twins and that Shelby and Ashlee were going to get supplies for the gender reveals. To everyone's surprise the two took Val with them, Cherri and Jet tried to convince the two to let them tag along too but the idea was shut down so the surprise wasn't ruined. "But what if you get a burn or stub your toe or need someone to reach the top shelf for you?!" Cherri pleaded with Shelby but she denied him and said that's why Val was tagging along.

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