Chapter 3: Bulletproof Heart

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*later that night*

"These past couple days have been very...eventful." Party said quietly as they turned and looked at Jet, Ghoul, and Ashlee who were making new weapons for the prison break tomorrow night. "Shelby and your brother are asleep in their room." Nat said as they sit next to Party on the couch, both laying their head on top of each other after Nat laid their head on Party's shoulder. "Hopefully our plan works out because if not then we're screwed. Dr. D said he'll be on standby with Show Pony and Cherri Cola if things go all Costa Rica." Nat continued sleepily before yawning and snuggling closer to Party. "When are we going to tell these guys we're together?" Party whispers to Nat as quietly as possible. Nat shrugs and tries to get comfy enough to sleep but can't.

Party moves Nat against their chest and lays back on the couch. After a few moments Nat falls asleep against them, Party smiles contently and moves some hair out of Nat's face. But the sweet wholesome moment was soon ruined by a wolf whistle that came from none other than his brother Kobra. "Thought you were asleep?" Party asked in an annoyed tone only for Kobra to laugh. "And I thought you said you didn't like em? Looks like we're both wrong." Kobra grabs a monster energy drink and once again makes gestures to his brother about a sleeping Nat before abruptly being hit in the forehead with a half full jug of Sprite. Kobra laughs and leaves the room then Party looks over to the table to see Ghoul, Ashlee, and Jet staring back at them in shock and confusion.

"What?" Party whisper yells in an attempt to not wake up Nat who still slept soundly on top of them. "Damnit I owe Show Pony and Cherri Cola so much money now!" Ghoul said as he practically punched the table. The loud echo made Nat wake up and grab hold of their gun, Party grabs the gun and lulls them back to sleep against their chest. "We need sleep before tomorrow night, come on you two." Jet says as he leads both Ashlee and Ghoul out of the room before Party could launch something at Ghoul for waking Nat up. When the three left Party was left alone with Nat, they moved some hair out of Nat's face before covering both them and themself up and soon falling asleep as well.

*the next day*

"Rise and shine lovebirds!" Shelby yells as she karate kicks the door to the main room open. Both Nat and Party jump at the loud BANG of the door hitting the wall. "KOBRA TOLD ME EVERYTHING!" Shelby yelled as she stormed over to Party and Nat who were still not fully awake. "What?" Both non-binarys asked in confusion. Shelby then smacked Party, who was still really confused. Nat immediately stopped Shelby from hitting Party again by laying on top of them. "Kobra told me what you did to Nat you heathen! That's probably why you guys were gone so long the other day." She continued as Fun Ghoul walked into the room, hair messed up and barely awake. "Why are you yelling?" Ghoul asked Shelby tired and confused. "Kobra told me what these two were doing last night when he got up to come get a drink." She told him which only made him more confused. "What did he tell you?" Party questioned. "You two played mayonnaise roulette and that's why there was a ton of noise in here!" Shelby yelled at them. "That loud noise was Fun Ghoul hitting the table because he lost a bet and the first one was your boyfriend getting smacked in the face with a half full two liter of sprite because he kept being a dumbass." Party said an annoyed to in response. Shelby was about to punch Party for calling her boyfriend a dumbass but stormed off in annoyance instead.

A few moments passed before Jet Star entered the room and yawning before turning to see Party and Nat still stuck to one another like they both were last night. "I'll go wake up Ashlee so we can go over the plan one more time, I take from all the yelling Shelby did the honors of waking up Kobra." Jet says before leaving the room again.

*time skip to sunset*

"Get in the damn car so we can get going." Ashlee tells Jet and Ghoul as she turns her Durango on. Party sat in the drivers seat on the Trans-Am and Kobra kid sat shotgun while Nat and Shelby sat in the back. Jet gave Party the signal and soon the car turned on and flew out onto the getaway mile then waited for the Durango in the right lane of the road. Once Ghoul and Jet got in Ashlee's car she immediately slammed her foot on the gas then flies down the road, the Trans-Am speeds close behind.

The tension was thick enough that someone would need an unbreakable axe to cut through, Party was clearly pissed off at S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W and BL/IND for targeting a 6 year old girl, Kobra was tired of fighting almost every waking hour against the government, Shelby was tired of all the crap and just wanted to settle down after it was all over and done, Nat wanted to get revenge against Korse for almost killing their friends and lover. Ashlee, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star wanted to murder anything and everything that hurt their daughter, most of all her kidnappers. The two cars flew down the tunnel that lead to Battery City, ramming through the barrier and killing all the guards before they could even signal for the director to awake the exterminators and army of draculoid goons for help and backup. The sky was completely dark and the moon was glowing brightly as the cars slammed into part outside the main BL/IND and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W head quarters. "Time to get our daughter back." Ashlee said to her two husbands before stepping out of the car and shooting out one of the cameras in the street light.

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