Chapter 38: Weighted

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The next morning the group headed outside but before heading to the dining hall the kids notice vampire bites on Pony's neck and that Nat and Party aren't there. "Where's Party and Nat?" Vaya asks from the counter with Val and Vamos standing beside them. "Party's asleep and Nat's sick." Pony told the group then noticed Dr. D walking over towards the group, he stares daggers at Ghoul. "What the fuck did I tell you about being around my daughter and grandkids?!" Dr D exclaimed which made Ghoul flinch before backing away. "No, Ghoul get back here." Ashlee told him while reaching for his hand. Ghoul whimpered and backed away more with every step she took closer to him. "Good the little solitary host is learning his place." Dr. D laughed but Ashlee whipped around and punched him right across the face. "Leave my husband alone!" She warned as she scooped Ghoul off his feet.

"Pony, who the fuck bit you?!" Dr. D exclaimed as he stared daggers at them. "A lovely vampire who's currently taking a snooze." Cherri cleared his throat before anyone could say anything, "How about we stop're upsetting the kids." He warned as his eyes began to glow orange but stopped after a moment or two. Val, Vaya, and Vamos all watched as Jet tackled Pony to the ground and tried to kill him. "Oh shit!" The three said in unison as Ashlee pulled Jet away so Pony could escape. "They smelled like a vampire!" Jet used an his excuse but Bandit and Bug took off running after Pony who ran back into the small house like building where Nat and Party were.

Dr. D scoffed and walked away back to his shack after grabbing a cup of coffee. "When Nat gets better we're going somewhere, you and Party are coming with us. One fight between either of you and I'll put you on a damn leash." Ashlee warned Jet as she held him by the scruff of the neck.

*time skip to later that night*

Kobra's screams from the bathroom woke everyone up. When he emerged from the bathroom bleach blonde snakes formed from his hair, "MY HAIR!" He exclaimed with tear filled eyes but then Pony and Nat's  screams were heard from their house area. "I think Party woke up." Ghoul said but then frantic knocks on the door echoed through the house. "Do not let them in!" Jet snarled but Ashlee opened the door to reveal Party. "Where is my little brother?" They ask sternly but then growls when they lock eyes with Jet. "Your brother is fine. Now leave." Jet snarls but Nat scoops Party up in their arms before trying to pull them away from the werewolf in the house.

"That werewolf fuck probably bit him!" Party yelled as they tried to escape Nat. "PARTY STOP!" But Nat's grip on them was broken by Jet who grabbed hold of Party and the two began fighting. Sand was kicked around as the two scratched and clawed one another while growling. Cherri and Shelby rushed out of their house and rushed over when Nat and Ashlee attempted to pull the vampire and werewolf apart so they'd stop fighting but once the two were in Nat and Ashlee's arms Jet snarled before biting Ashlee's arm. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he snapped out of his upset trance then his eyes widen before he looks up to Ashlee. She looks at her arm to see blood before shoving Jet away and covering her arm but the scent of blood had already filled the air which caused Party's vampire tendencies to spike up more than ever. Their fangs grow and their eyes turn a deep red while they try to grab Nat's arm.

Cherri tries to help Nat calm Party down while Shelby rushes Ashlee back inside in order to try and stop the bleeding by tending to the wound. Jet follows behind but Shelby shoves him away, he whines but stays where he was stopped. Cherri gets shoved away by Party before the vampire tried to sink their fangs into Nat once again but barely missed due to Nat moving their arm away then pinning them to the ground. "Gee stop it! Snap the hell out of it!" Nat exclaimed but Party only let out a cry then snapped at them again. Shelby called Cherri over to help with Ashlee's wound but after closing the door behind him Jet sat at the door scratching and crying at the door. "Why the fuck is everyone yelling?!" Frankie exclaimed as her Bandit, Grace, and Willow.

"Kids get back inside, Party's going feral and I don't want you guys to get hurt." Nat warns but Party shoves Nat off them and bites their arm, they would've bit the vein of Nat's wrist but they moved their arm too fast. Bandit grabbed a stick and rushed over before smacking Party with it. "STOP IT YOU OVERGROWN MOSQUITO!" She yelled but Party reached up and broke the stick. "Bandit...listen to your dad." Party told her but then the sound of Willow's curses caught everyone's attention. When everyone looks over they all see Willow with devil horns and a tail all while her eyes glow.

"YOU HURT MOM YOU ASSHOLE!" She yells at Jet before starting to open palm slap his arm over and over again. "Willow...Willow stop it." Frankie says but sighed and pulled her hands back from smacking Jet. "Holy shit...Frankie, you're actually being nice." Jet replied in shock but after a few moments Frankie demonstrated to her sister how to properly punch then Willow began wailing her hands on Jet's arm once more. "Bandit, go back to bed. We'll take care of things." Nat told their oldest child as Party enjoyed the scene unfolding in front of their eyes. "Hey guys did you hear about the full moon tomorrow?!" Grace exclaimed excitedly but then everyone froze. "You've gotta be kidding me?!" Jet exclaimed dramatically as he hid his face in his hands.

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