Chapter 27: The Sharpest Lives

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*1 week later*

The trans am was finally fixed and there was peace for only a few moments before Grace and Bandit kick open the doors to the hotel. "GRACE  HAS SUPERPOWERS!" Bandit yelled which caught everyone's attention, Jet sighed and looked over to the two kids who wore giant smiles on their faces. "Grace how many times have I told you, you don't have superpowers?" He asked while face palming. "No dad I have superpowers! It's not a joke this time!" Grace yelled back to Jet who rolled his eyes.

"We got attacked by dracs while finding stuff with this metal detector we found and they tried to draculoid us but when they put the fugly mask on Grace she blew em up!" Bandit exclaimed which made the room go silent, Ashlee and Jet's eyes widen. Ghoul started laughing hysterically, "Damn Jet I knew you had a bomb dick but holy shit!" Kobra and Party joined in on the laughter as Jet went red in the face. "I'm just glad you two are ok." Shelby told the two kids who pointed the metal detector around on the floor.

The device began beeping and as the two walked closer to the middle of the floor. "Bandit...get the shovels." Grace said as she set the metal detector down and walked over to Jet and stole his sunglasses, Bandit did the same to Party on her way back to Grace with the shovels. "Hang on a sec...Bandit, do you have powers too?" Kobra asks curiously as Bandit turns and looks him in the eyes before raising the sunglasses she stole from Party, "I see dead people." She says before putting the sunglasses back down on her face and act like nothing had just happened as she began laughing with Grace just like before. "Nat, Party...your kids creepy." Val says before the lights go out. "We didn't do it!" Grace and Bandit yell as the other kids rush down the stairs.

"Mama! Everything's dark!" Ethan and Ezra cried out in unison as Frankie grabs a handful of fireflies from her pocket and let's them fly around, "There now will you two shut the fuck up?!" She exclaims then climbs up onto a bar stool and taps her hand on the table a couple of times, Val nods and slides her a whiskey glass full of Bug Juice. "Dude don't give her big juice on the rocks!" Jet told Val sternly but was met with Frankie's glare. "Ghoul...why's she looking at me like that?!" He asks nervously only for Ghoul to laugh, "Ummm...she either is going to yell at you, threaten you, stab you, throw a bug at you, or she's plotting your downfall." Ghoul warned to which Jet turned his head to face Ghoul with a worried glare.

Frankie noticed something in Jet's hair so she tugged it, pulling out 4 grey hairs. Jet turned to look at her with annoyance and a wtf look but soon saw what she had. "GUYS! DAD'S OLD! HE'S GREYING!" She yells as everyone but the kids eyes widen. "Dude you're not even 30 yet!" Kobra whisper yelled. Ashlee rubbed Jet's back as he put his head down on the counter. Frankie continued to bully her dad until he sat up and turned to face her, "Yeah I'm getting grey hairs because of you little shits." He told her before grabbing his can of soda and heading outside. "Oh boy...he's pissed, we're all gonna die." Kobra said as he put his head in his hands. Ghoul gave Ashlee a glass of tea, to which she took a sip then ghoul picks it up like this.

"FRANK ANTHONY IERO JR STOP IT! PUT MY DRINK DOWN!" Ashlee yells at Ghoul who then replies with an "Okay" and drops the glass on the floor

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"FRANK ANTHONY IERO JR STOP IT! PUT MY DRINK DOWN!" Ashlee yells at Ghoul who then replies with an "Okay" and drops the glass on the floor. Val glares daggers at him as everyone leaves the scene so they won't be witnesses to a murder. "I'm not wrong I put it down! She never told me how!" Ghoul said in defense before Val shoved a mop and a broom with a dust pan at him, "Clean it." Grace and Bandit continued digging up the floor as Nat, Party, Shelby, Cherri, Kobra, and Ashlee watched.

"What if we got a draculoid mask and blew up the floor?!" Bandit exclaimed which made everyone quickly shut down the idea. "Bandit, if you two blew a hole in the floor the whole building would most likely collapse on top of us." Party explained as Bandit crossed her arms and pouted angrily. "Bandit...Don't." Party told her as they pointed their finger at her. "You're an asshole!" She exclaimed as the lights flicked on and off. "What is going on with the lights?" Shelby asked but a rumble of thunder answered her question. Ashlee, Ghoul, Kobra, Party, and Nat rushed outside to find Jet, they found him sitting on the hotel's porch like area underneath the concrete and metal covering watching the rain, they all took in a breath of relief.

Soon the group all goes back inside the hotel and sit around talking until the storm stops and everyone falls asleep. In the morning Ashlee rolls over on the pile of pillows she used as a bed for the night to see Frankie asleep next to Jet underneath a fuzzy purple and black blanket Ghoul had found for her a few months ago on a supply run. Nat rolls off Party and hits the floor which wakes them both up, "This floor hurts!" Nat tells Party who laughs and covers the two of them back up but soon a car pulls up outside and the loud engine wakes everyone up. Iris looks up at the door, "Mama there's a bald fugly mother fucker at the door." She says in annoyance before rolling back over and trying to go back to sleep. Everyone turns to look and they all see Korse. "Why the hell is he here?!" Kobra exclaims in a very upset yet sleepy tone. 

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