Chapter 20: The Foundations of Decay

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*two months later*

Shelby and Cherri found the group of four wandering the desert and after knocking them out the two took the four back to the hotel. When the four awoke the masks were taken off their heads and they were all tied to chairs. "WAIT NAT IS BLONDE?!" Bandit asks in a freaked out tone then looks at Party and asks about their natural chestnut hair color instead of the bright red. "The real question is how are we going to snap em all out of the trance." Jet spoke softly to Cherri and Shelby as Ghoul grabbed Ashlee and Kobra's hands and began crying as the two blankly and emotionlessly looked up at him.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" Bandit yelled as she threw herself at Party. "BANDIT CALM DOWN! YELLING WON'T DO ANY GOOD." Grace told her but Bandit had tears running down her face before she continued yelling. "DAMN IT PAPA SNAP OUT OF IT! ME AND DAD ARE COUNTING ON YOU!" She sobbed and untied the ropes on the chair. Party's eyes got the light back in them and they hugged her tightly. "Papa, you're finally back!" Bandit mumbled out as she cried into Party's shoulder.

Party runs her back and looks over to Nat who emotionlessly looked at them. Before Party could say anything Frankie, Iris, and Willow run into the room holding something with a pair of tongs. "DAD! PAPA! WE FOUND SOMETHING IN MAMA's TRASH CAN!" The three exclaim in unison as Jet looks at what they have, his eyes widen at the pink and white stick that looks like a thermometer. "Mama's positive for something apparently." Frankie says which both Ghoul and Jet look at each other then the both of them turn to face Ashlee and Kobra who looked back blankly. "Jet, what did those hell spawns find?" Party asks but their question was soon answered by Bandit and Grace who told them it was a pink and white stick that said positive on it.

"SHE'S PREGNANT AGAIN?! WHICH ONE OF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS DID IT THIS TIME?!" Party yells but the room stays silent. "Better ask your brother that one." Ghoul says as Party gets up from their chair and marches over to Mikey who flinches back. "Michael James had one damn job. Now you've made it number fucking 5." Party told their brother as they held his shoulders tightly. "THERE'S GONNA BE ANOTHER ONE?!" Frankie yells as she marches over to Ghoul. She was wielding a shovel that she gained from an unnamed source.

"Frankie Marie Iero, put the damn shovel down." Ghoul told her before abruptly being smacked in the shin by the shovel. "NO PAPA! BECAUSE YOU, DAD, AND PADRE THERE'S ANOTHER ONE OF US! THIS HOTEL IS GETTING CROWDED!" She says before swinging the shovel around and accidentally smacking Jet in the lower thigh. "FRANKIE!" Jet yells as he chases after her while trying not to be abused with the shovel.

Ashlee saw the scene and snapped out of the trance, "FRANKIE DROP IT!" She shouted which made her daughter launch the shovel and run towards her. "Mama me and you need to have a serious talk!" Frankie demands angrily. "We don't need anymore so stop letting Dad, Papa, and Padre play mayonnaise roulette with you!" She tells her mom who goes red in the face. Kobra gets snapped out of his trance by Party shaking him violently and scolding him.

Kobra looks around the room and then lays his eyes on Ashlee and Frankie as Grace, Iris, and Willow surround him. He smiles and chuckles a bit before looking his older sibling in the eyes and saying, "You're gonna be really pissed when you figure out there's two in there." Party's eyes widen along with a majority of the rooms. "I agree with your kids on this one Ashlee. Stop having mommy daddy playtime its fucking crowded!" Shelby exclaimed.

Party walked over to Nat with Bandit following close behind them. Party cupped Nat's face with their hand and looked them in the eyes. "Nat, our daughters here snap out of it." Suddenly Nat smirks at them and pulls them into a kiss. "EWWW! DAD! PAPA! GET A FUCKING ROOM!" Bandit yells as Nat and Party break apart then pull her into a hug. "Aww a happy family." Cherri says sarcastically but Shelby smacks his arm and wraps her arm around his waist.

*time skip*

"NAT! PARTY! GET OUT HERE ALREADY!" Jet and Ashlee yelled as Nat walked out of the bathroom with bright freshly dyed red hair. "Party should be out in a few, they're finishing drying off." Seconds later Party walks up and hugs them from behind and flashes a smile at Jet and Ashlee. "What the hell did you two red headed shits do this time?!" Jet asked in an annoyed tone only for the two to laugh and run down the hall to their shared bedroom.

Jet sighed and walked into the bathroom too see a hair dye murder scene. Old dye covered clothes laid scattered around on the floor. The bottom of the shower/bathtub was stained a shade of red, Jet called Ashlee into the room to see the chaos the red headed couple had caused. "How the hell did they both manage to..." Ashlee spoke but cut herself off and stormed out of the room and kicked in Nat and Party's bedroom demanding answers on why both sets of clothes were covered in red hand prints.

Shelby over heard the commotion and appeared in the room beside Ashlee then she soon found out what Ashlee and Jet saw. She began asking her own sets of questions but Party's face turned almost as red as their hair and they hid their face in the crook of Nat's neck. Nat laughed before responding, "Party started something and I finished it." As they rubbed Party's back and gave a mischievous smile.

The two threatened Party for trying to play mayonnaise roulette with Nat. Jet stormed in and scolded the two of getting hair dye almost all over the entire bathroom and permanently making the bottom of the shower/bathtub a faded red. Soon enough the sun settled and the night was upon them once more, the kids were all fast asleep in their rooms and the killjoys were in their rooms with their lovers, for once the group had a peaceful sleep.

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