Chapter 14: Vampire Money

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"We need to run a restaurant to get money. We be flat fucking broke." Kobra says with an exaggerated sigh. "WE CAN OPEN A HOOTERS!" Nat and Party yelled. Shelby and Jet sighed and tried to shoot down the idea but Ghoul began screaming about how it was an awesome idea. "Mama what's a hooters?" Willow asks innocently. "It's a restaurant, where you eat food." Ashlee told her as she nodded. "Or an Olive Garden maybe?" Shelby suggested but the idea was immediately shot down by Nat, Ghoul, and Party who all sided for Hooters.

Kobra was being stared at my Shelby and Jet as they tried to get him to side with Olive Garden but he went to the Hooters side of the room. Ashlee slowly followed him over, Jet puts his hands on his hips. "Ashlee, get over here on our side." He tells her sternly. She looks around the room before giving a firm "No!" Then she latched herself onto Ghoul. "Sorry guys but Hooters wins." Ghoul said as Jet frisbees a serving dish at his head. The dish smacks Ashlee in the back of the head and when she turns around Jet tries to rub but Ashlee catches him by the collar of his jacket. "YEAH MAMA WHOOP HIS ASS!" All four of the kids scream and cheer in unison.

"Kids! If you're gonna cheer your mom on at least do it right." Ghoul said before screaming, "YEAH MAMAS KICK HIS ASS! IF YOU KICK JET'S ASS I'LL WEAR THE HOOTERS OUTFIT!" The kids begin cheering even louder but the fight was short lived when Jet tripped Ashlee and both landed on the ground. "Ok you two there are kids around!" Cherri yelled as the yelling and cheering stopped. "HEY IT'S WHAT UNCLE PARTY AND UNCLE NAT WERE DOING YESTERDAY!" The four kids scream. "Uncle Party didn't have a shirt on though." Willow and Iris said in unison.

The group turns to face Nat and Party who both stood still and their faces were covered in blush almost as red as their hair. "For the record your kids heard you having a game of mayonnaise roulette so I don't want to hear it." Party said while Jet and Ashlee got off the ground. Nat and Party began running as Cherri and Jet chased after the two who ran outside and hopped the fence.

*2 weeks later*

"Will you two idiots get out here?! You'll look find no one's gonna judge you!" Jet says as he pounds his fist against the door to the bathroom. Shelby and Cherri snickered a bit, "I'll judge them." Shelby says to Cherri who laughs. Nat and Ashlee waited on the couch as Party and Ghoul hesitantly walked out into the room wearing Hooters outfits. Nat and Ashlee both go red in the face as Ghoul and Party walk over to them. "Dr. Dad would be disappointed in us." Party sighs but Nat wraps their arm around Party's waist and leads them to the other room. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TWO TRY TO HAVE SEX IN THE NEW UNIFORM I WILL KILL YOU!" Show Pony yells as he skates after the two but is stopped by Cherri so the two could attempt to restore their friendship. Ghoul smirks and sits in Ashlee's lap but Jet walks over and tugs him away by his hair. "Can you not be a horny bitch for 5 minutes?!" He asks Ghoul who was blushing bright red and looking up to Jet with a smile. Jet sighed and let go of Ghoul, "I'll hit you."

Ghoul then clings to Ashlee. "No you can't because then that'll be domestic abuse!" He calls out to Jet who gave up and walked over towards the four kids who all sat in the corner playing Candy Land. "So what are you four rug rats up to?" He asked only for Frankie to clear her throat. "Iris is in debt some how, Grace keeps trying to cheat, Willow can't manage to roll higher than a 4, and if I get land on one more black licorice X then I'm gonna do something. I don't know what I'll do but it'll be something." She tells her dad then proceeds to roll a 6, putting her on another licorice X. She doesn't say anything then abruptly flips the board, sending pieces flying everywhere. She stands up and walks upstairs. "Frankie, what's wrong?" Ghoul asks only for Frankie to stop and look at him. "Papa...What the fuck are you wearing?!" Frankie yells which causes the rest of the kids to look over at their papa.

Shelby and Ashlee started laughing but soon the room goes silent as the sound of tapping echoed off the wall. "NAT! PARTY! GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE!" Kobra yelled as Nat and Party walked around the corner behind him. "Yeah? Dude we're trying to do my makeup so we can open this bitch for business in about 3 hours." Party told their brother who drew out his gun and slowly made his way over to the kitchen where the noise was coming from. Seconds of silence go by after he enters the kitchen but then suddenly, "WHY THE FLYING FUCK IS VAL VELOCITY IN HERE!?" Kobra screams. The others grab their guns and rush to the kitchen to see Val wounded and crouched in the corner in fear as blood oozes from his side. "I-I'm unarmed and wou-wounded." Val muttered out before passing out.

*time skip*

When Val awoke he was tied to a chair and the killjoys surrounded him. "What happened to me and why are those two in...Hooters outfits?" Val questioned as Nat walks over to Party and smacks their ass with a smile. "Yes idiot they're Hooters outfits. Also you bled all over our kitchen. You might be able to make yourself useful as our janitor." Nat says as they walk over to Val and smack him across the face. "Also that's for shooting my strawberry babe a while back."

Val's face was now red and swelling from the smack but then Shelby walked over and smacked him with a wet mop, "Get to work janitor you got blood to clean." She said as Cherri cut the ropes on the chair. Ashlee grabbed Val by the neck whenever he stood up. "Try to hurt any of us and I'll make sure you don't have any limbs to walk on or crawl on when get old yellered behind this very hotel and you'll die in the trash for the wasteland cicadas to pick the meat off your bones." Ashlee told him and after taking a nervous breath he nodded. "Also try to hurt my kids and you'll be a walking target practice." Ghoul and Jet said in unison as they both stood behind Ashlee.

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