Chapter 4: Sing

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On the way out the door from rescuing the 6 year old girl the killjoys are cornered by 6 draculoids and Korse. The bald exterminator grabbed Party by the hair and threw them against the wall, the second this happened Kobra and Nat ran up to save Party and were both tossed backwards by 2 draculoids. The others quickly shot the draculoid goons but before that had happened Kobra got shot in the shoulder. Shelby rushed over to get him and help but Korse then grabbed Nat and slammed them against the wall next to Party. "I want you to watch as this traitor dies slowly by my hands." Korse says bitterly while he puts his blaster against the underneath of Party's jaw. Nat throws a punch and a sickening pop was head from Korse's nose. "Let go of me and Party before I remove your spine and use it as a damn slide whistle!" Nat yells before a bloody hole is shot clean through the exterminator's skull by Kobra.

Korse soon hits the ground and drops both Nat and Party. The two rush back over to the group and they all try to rush out the door only for the director to stop them. Another army of draculoids had surrounded the killjoys again but only this time Nat, Shelby, and Ashlee were shoved forwards toward the director who gripped Ashlee's daughters wrist before shoving her to Ashlee. "We thank you three for bringing these men, now our process will be complete." The director says in an evil cheerful tone before Nat grabs her by the throat and slams her through the glass doors.

"You can either respect Party's pronouns or so help me I'll put you on the last stair, back in the building, and over on that wall all at once. Now I'm not saying I'm going to kill you but your funeral will be a closed casket and when you get to the judgement gates in heaven God isn't going to recognize your sorry ass." Nat says as the director struggles to breath. "Let our fabulous killjoys go before I use your teeth as piano keys and play Mozart." Nat says as they move their hand from the lady's neck to her hair then tugs her up from the ground. "Draculoids turn those four NOW!" She yells which makes Shelby and Ashlee turn around as the draculoids put masks on Jet, Kobra, Party, and Ghoul. "STUPID BITCH YOU REALLY THINK WE ARE PLAYING DON'T YOU?!" Nat yells before slamming the directors face through the other glass door. "Grace sweetie, go to the car and don't look back in here please. Mommy has some work to do." Ashlee says in a calm tone to her daughter, Grace listens and goes to the car ignoring the screams of the draculoid holding the Fab Four.

After about 25 minutes the trio come out of the building covered in blood and leading the Fab Four out of the almost completely burning building that had caught on fire about 2 minutes prior. Once the three take the Fab Four to the cars Nat decides to drive the trans-am with Shelby, Party, and Kobra while Ashlee takes her husband home with her and her daughter. "Don't worry I'm not that bad of a driver. Also there's nothing out here to really hit." Nat says confidently. "You'll manage to hit something." Both Ashlee and Shelby say in unison.

The burning building then explodes slightly in the distance from the group of killjoys. "Oh bombs." Nat says then laughs hysterically.

*time skip back to D.I.E*

"Ok, how do we snap these four idiots out of the stupid trance crap?" Shelby asked only for Ashlee to rub the back of her hand before abruptly smacking both Jet and Ghoul in one swing. The two just look at her, emotionless and neither said a word. "Party, snap out of it! Party, COME ON DAMN IT!" Nat yells while shaking them. "Nat! Look at their hair!" Shelby exclaims which causes Nat to look at Party's hair and tear up at the sight of the bright red beginning to fade to the original brown underneath it. "DAMN IT GEE SNAP OUT OF IT!" Nat yelled as they began crying. "If you don't snap out of it then I'll dye your hair bright ass Barbie girl pink!" Shelby sternly said to Kobra who only tilted his head slightly.

About 45 minutes ago Shelby took Kobra and left to go see Dr. D about what to do and Ashlee had been outside with Grace, Ghoul, and Jet trying to snap them out of the trance. Nat sat inside the D.I.E with Party who only spared passing glances but never said anything. Out of annoyance Nat throws down their root beer bottle causing a loud noise to echo through the diner. "If this doesn't fix it then I have no idea what will." They say to themself before walking over to Party and tugging them into a kiss. "N-Nat? What happened?! Did any of us get killed?! Tell me what happened!" Party asked as they snapped out of their trance only for Nat to hush them.

"No Gee none of us died, Grace is safe, the only bad thing is you guys got some what draculoided. Also it took all the red from your hair." Nat said before moving back slightly. "IT WHAT?!" Party exclaimed which caused Ashlee, Grace, Ghoul, and Jet to rush into the building. "We can dye it later doofus." Nat says happily before hugging them tightly. "Shelby and Kobra are on their way back and me and Grace snapped these two dumbasses out of the trance." Ashlee said as Grace tugs her hand. "Mama, why is Uncle Party still in their trance?" She asked her mom who shook her head no and smiled. Grace ran over and the second Nat pulled Party to set up Grace immediately hugged them.

"I take it you're all thrilled to have me back?" Party said in a questioning tone only for Grace to run back to her dads and mom before Nat picks Party up and spins them around while smiling. "My baby's back!" Nat squealed happily as the sound of the Trans-Am pulled up outside. Soon Shelby and Kobra walked back inside the diner hand in hand. "The gangs back together again!" Grace yelled triumphantly while standing on top of the kitchen counter (the ordering counter of the restaurant).

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