Chapter 12: The Kids From Yesterday

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As Nat and Ashlee pulled into the hotels parking lot, Party and Jet ran outside but froze at the sight. "What the fuck happened to you guys?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY CAR?!" Jet yelled as he ran over to the two who just got out of the Trans Am. "I don't know why don't you ask Cherri Cola!" Nat yelled as blood oozed from the round in their shoulder while they walked over to Party. Party stood frozen but tried to ignore the scent of blood coming from the fresh wound but Jet noticed almost immediately, "PARTY NO!" Party took a couple steps closer to Nat which made Jet yell once more. "GERARD ARTHUR WAY! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM NAT BEFORE YOU TURN THEM INTO A VAMPIRE TOO YOU DUMBASS!"

Party's extended fangs turned back into their normal canines and before they collapsed onto the ground Nat caught them. More blood trailed down their arm as Party looked at it, fangs coming back out but Ashlee and Jet separated the couple. "Nat, party is trying to do a thing with you and if they do the thing then they'll literately go fucking feral!" Jet tells Nat is soon pulled into the hotel by Ashlee who saw Jet eyeing the blood on her as well. Once the two were inside the building the two both began cleaning the wounds but the scent of blood attracted Ghoul and Kobra. "Did you two get into a clap with an exterminator out there?" Kobra asked but soon the whiff of iron and the sight of the red oozing liquid made his vampire instincts flair up. Ghoul walked closer to Ashlee but was then abruptly tackled by Jet. Nat made eye contact with Party as the bright red headed nonbinary made their way towards them. "Party, snap out of it!" Nat yelled but the plea fell to unheard ears as Party grabbed their hands and interlocked fingers.

"Midnight tonight meet me in our second bedroom. We need to talk." Was all Party whispered to Nat as the sound of Ghoul, Jet, and Kobra fighting in the distance grew louder. Ashlee ran up and told Party to do something to which Party sighed and unlocked their hands with Nat's. "HERE YE HERE YE DUMBASSES! SHUT UP!" They yelled but when they turned back Nat and Ashlee were both running up the stairs.

*time skip*

"So what did Party tell you before I interrupted?" Ashlee asked curiously. Nat told her and Ashlee grabbed Nat by the shoulders and looked them in the eyes. "If that horny asshole tries anything me and Shelby are going to beat 'em to death." Suddenly Shelby and Cherri appear in the doorway. "DO NOT ATTACK HIM! HE WAS BRAINWASHED BY A DRAC!" Shelby yelled as she stood in front of Cherri defensively before continuing, "Also who are we killing?" "Party if they try to play mayonnaise roulette with Nat tonight." Ashlee tells the two in the doorway while Nat turns red in the face and tries to make her be quiet. "WAIT YOU AND PARTY HAVEN'T FUCKED YET?!" Cherri exclaims loudly. "I owe Show Pony so much money, holy shit I'm gonna be poor for the rest of my life." Cherri continues as he puts his hands on his head and paces the hallway.

Shelby and Ashlee face palm as Nat leaves the room to go find Party. "Use protection you two." Cherri says jokingly but Nat pulls out their gun and fires a laser bullet into the wall right next to his face. "I was just giving advice Ashlee, Jet, and Ghoul clearly didn't follow." Cherri says again only this time it's Ashlee who tries to strangle him, Shelby stops the fight and sighed. Kobra walked down the hallway and the two made eye contact. "S-Shelby?" Kobra says quietly as tears fill his eyes. "Not now Kobra." Shelby said and turned away from him. "That's all I've heard all this relationship! Not now Kobra I'm busy kissing Cherri, Not now Mikey I'm too busy with someone else, Not now Kobra I'm too busy ignoring all your calls and texts after you helped save me from Val fucking Velocity!" Kobra exclaimed as tears ran down his face like waterfalls. "AT LEAST I AM COMMITTED TO RELATIONSHIPS! YOU CHEATED ON ME!" Shelby yelled back which caused the room to fall silent and the other killjoys to enter the hallway.

"IT WAS A PORNODROID! A SEX DOLL BECAUSE YOU KEEP WALKING OUT AND ABANDONING ME! I DIDN'T CHEAT! WHY WOULD I CHEAT WHEN I QUIT MY JOB AT THE BAR THE FIRST TIME WE MET?! EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE HAS BEEN FOR YOU AND IN YOUR NAME! I GOT TURNED INTO A VAMPIRE TO KEEP YOU SAFE SO THE BAT WOULDN'T BITE YOU!" Kobra yelled as he broke down sobbing. He fell to his knees crying before tucking himself into a ball and letting his sadness run out. Party tried to get their little brother to stand up so he could go cry in his room but Kobra smacked Party's hand away. The room practically freezes as Kobra stands up shakily but soon falls to the ground weakly. His crying only increases as he shakes. "So you think it's fun to just waltz in here and ruin everything?!" Party pops their knuckles as they storm towards Cherri but Nat stops them. "Party, stop we don't need another fucking argument!"

Party scoffs and stares daggers at Cherri before swinging a punch, Ghoul runs over and joins in. "WILL YOU TWO STOP?!" Jet yells but Party and Ghoul just keep throwing punches while Cherri tried to defend himself. Jet scooped both Ghoul and Party up and held them so Cherri could stand up and move away. Ghoul then bit Jet's arm and threw himself at Cherri once more. "FRANK ANTHONY IERO GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Jet yelled but Ghoul was then abruptly punched across the face by Cherri. Ghoul swung another punch and knocked Cherri out cold. "Brainwashed or not your still touched something that wasn't yours. So consider this karma." Ghoul said before Jet grabbed him and drug him away from the group.

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