Chapter 6: The Only Hope For Me Is You

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"No Kobra i'm done with your crap! We are done! What we have is done!" Shelby yells at Kobra who only looked at her in disbelief as the tension of the room grew more and more pressuring. "So you're breaking up with me?!" He asked in a slightly angry tone. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing!" Shelby yelled back at him. "How about we stop fighting and take this outside. You guys are upsetting Grace." Jet says calmly only for Kobra to shove past him, grabbing his motorcycle helmet and putting it on before walking outside and letting the door slam behind him. "KOBRA GET BACK IN HERE IT'S DANGEROUS OUT THERE!" Jet yells but Kobra starts his motorcycle and slams on the gas, flying down the getaway mile. "Great, now I have to explain to Party why their brother just left and is probably going to get ghosted out there." Jet said as Shelby then stormed away. "What's with all the yelling? I'm exhausted." Party yawned and wiped the sleep from their eyes only for Jet to tell him what had happened. Party froze for a moment then ran back to their room to wake Nat and get ready to go find Kobra.

*time skip*

"So why did you call it off with Kobra? Party and the guys are still looking for him." Nat asked as Shelby grabbed her stuff from Kobra's room. "He is a stripper at the killjoy bar! He didn't even tell me!" She yelled in frustration. "Once you're in that life you can't get rid of it!" She continued only for Nat to stop her before she could say any more. "He WAS a stripper at the bar, he probably didn't tell you because he is trying to leave it behind him. Notice how they don't go to the bar anymore! He could get dusted out there and you're more worried about what he was doing before you two even met." Nat exclaimed back only for Ashlee to stop the fight. "Stop arguing! Shelby you have a right to be mad but the past is in the past and none of us can change it." Ashlee said as Nat grabs their gun and skateboard.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go help find Kobra before someone gets dusted." They say before grabbing their mask and putting it on then skating down the getaway mile. "So you're saying it's my fault?!" Shelby asked. "NO! You have the right to be mad but I'm just saying you two could've talked this shit out!" Ashlee says sternly as Grace wanders into the room. "Where's Uncle Kobra? I made him a cool gun charm. I'm really proud of it." Grace says as she holds up a little metal cut out of Kobra's motorcycle helmet on a keychain. Shelby and Ashlee tell Grace that he'll be back in a bit and not to worry.

*time skip*

The sound of static fills the room as the radio comes on, "BREAKING NEWS KILLJOYS! JET STAR AND THE KOBRA KID HAVE BEEN FATALLY WOUNDED IN ZONE 4! DRACULOIDS HAVE BEEN DUSTED AND THE OTHER FAB FOUR AND CYANIDE HAVE ASSISTED THE TWO AND ARE HEADING BACK! STAY ALERT!" Dr. Death says urgently which makes Grace start crying while Shelby and Ashlee start rushing to clear somewhere for the two to lay down when they get here. After a couple of minutes the trans-am pulls up and the group rushes Kobra and Jet over to the make shift beds on the floor. "Med kit grab one now hurry!" Party yells. Grace runs to one of her dads sides and holds his hand while sobbing. After Party got the med kit they and Nat patch up Kobra and Jet. "Take it easy before you pop your stitches dude!" Party tells Kobra who was trying to get away from Shelby's gaze.

"DAD STAY AWAKE! YOU SON OF A BITCH STAY AWAKE!" Grace yells which makes Ghoul pull her into a tight hug and cry with her instead of scolding her for swearing. Ashlee holds Jet's hand as he chuckles at his daughters name calling. He then begins crying too at the sight of his husband, wife, and child all crying due to his injury.

*time skip*

Kobra sat in on of the booths and stared out the window while fidgeting with the metal keychain his basically niece had given him earlier when he was still bleeding slightly. From across the room Nat and Ashlee watch him, "He hasn't said a thing since he stormed out. Hell even when he got shot he didn't say a word. He's just been emotionless and kinda there." Nat whispered to Ashlee.

"We need to get him back on his rhythm." Ashlee whispered back. Party then walked over to his little brother and gave him a hug to comfort him but Kobra started crying into Party's shoulder. "GUYS SOME WHITE HAIRED BITCH THAT LOOKS LIKE PARTY ASKED ME ON A DATE AND I SAID SURE, SEE YOU LATER!" Shelby yelled as the group turns to the door to see a white haired man standing at the door who looked almost exactly like Party. "HOW THE FUCK ISN'T HE DEAD?!" Nat and Ashlee scream in unison as Shelby let the man into the diner. "Ah yes, the fabulous killjoys. It's a pleasure to meet you. Especially Ashlee and Cyanide, such a shame you're taken by such vile creatures such as Party, Ghoul, and Jet." The white haired man said coldly. Kobra slammed his hand on the table before storming off and crying harder than before.

"My name is Val Velocity, and I'm here to do my one and only goal." The man said before pulling out his blaster and shooting Party. Nat's eyes widen as they run to Party who was now clutching their wounded side. "NO NO NO PARTY! GET UP!" Nat abruptly grabs both their and Party's guns then starts unloading the blasts into Val's body. The bullets didn't affect him at all. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ashlee yells in anger as Shelby pulls out her gun then fires at Kobra who came to see what all the commotion was about only for Ashlee to take the hit and fall to the ground screaming. Shelby's eyes widen then she vanished with Val Velocity, leaving a bloodied mess for the other killjoys to see when they walk into the room.

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