Chapter 33: Hesitant Alien

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It's been 3 days since the four were locked in the rooms. "Wonder if they even want us back at the Hotel..." Ghoul questioned sadly before a TV turned on in the room. It showed the hotel where everyone called the living room. It showed a group of draculoids surrounding Dr. Death who was tied to chairs with duct tape covering his mouth. "LET HIM GO YOU BITCHES!" The four yelled but suddenly the doors to the rooms swung open with loud crashes. Kobra and Jet were tossed into the room with Ashlee and Ghoul while Pony was thrown into the room with Nat and Party. "Your friends tried to break in and save you but as you can see they all failed miserably." The director spat hatefully but Nat, Pony, and Party laughed which confused everyone.

"What's so funny over there?" Ashlee asked in pure confusion. But Party just smiles before replying, "You fucked my little brother so me and Nat fucked your sibling." The two rooms went dead silent as Ashlee stood up and walked over to the barrier. "I swear once we get out of here you're a dead bitch Poison!" She threatened loudly. "You killjoys have issues!" The director calls through the coms but everyone just flips her off. Pony stood up and walked over towards the camera then almost put their eye up against it, "Who is the director lady anyways? If she's at least a solid 8.5 out of 10 then I will gladly demonstrate how flexible I am, sorry about those dracs by the way. They got a little too close and I didn't wanna deal with em touching and grabbing. I may have broken a neck or two, hell if I know." Pony says but then the Director walks into the room wearing a latex suit and holding a whip in her hands.

Everyone covers their eyes but Pony looks her up and down before snapping their fingers and asking what she was wearing. "Girl, that's not style. It's so plain I'm gonna throw up. How about we teach you good style in exchange for you letting us go and not killing me and my sisters dad?" Pony offers but Director scoffs and snaps the whip against the floor. "If you plan on hitting me then go on, I'm not scared of your tacky ass." Pony taunted with a laugh but Ashlee told Director not too because she's been around her brother long enough to know what'll happen if she did. Seconds later Director smacked Pony with the whip which only made Pony smile. "Jokes on you I'm into some pretty freaky shit and whips are the tip of fucking iceberg." Pony smiles to Nat and Party before shooting them both a wink.

"IS THIS WHERE ASHLEE GETS IT FROM?! IT'S LIKE A WHOLE FAMILY THING?!" Ghoul yells before everyone turned to see Dr. Death gone and all the dracs dead on the ground through the TV. "You guys are sooooo fucked when dad gets here!" Ashlee and Pony exclaim in unison. "HOW DID HE ESCAPE?! I WAS TOLD HIS LEGS HAVEN'T BEEN WORKING SINCE THE HELIUM WARS!" Director cries out angrily. But before anyone could do anything they were all teleported back to the hotel by the Phoenix Witch. "Pony...You've got some explaining to do." Dr. Death told Pony who just backed away hesitantly. "You've been with those two red heads the entire damn time?" The Phoenix With asked in a stern tone. "This is a real good welcome home greeting but I think I'll just be taking my lovely partner and be going." Nat laughs before scooping Party up and leading Pony upstairs.

Ashlee slams her hand against the wall and runs after the three, "GET BACK HERE! You're so dead all of you!" She yells as Shelby and Cherri about get plowed over on the stairs. "How the hell does Pony run upstairs in those skates? I'd fall and break my neck." Jet asked as the rest of the group chuckled. Ghoul yawned and cuddled up against him and Kobra. Moments later he fell asleep so Jet and Kobra went over to the couch so all of them could get more comfy.

*later that night*

"Dinner is served." Val said as he set down a plate of ribs. And after about 5 minutes later all the ribs were gone, "For Destroya's sake those took all damn day to cook!" Val groans in frustration. Ghoul takes a giant sip of water into his mouth and puffed his cheeks out then he proceeded to turn to Jet and smacked both his hands against his water filled cheeks which made the water go all over Jet. "Dude what the fuck?!" Jet asked but Ghoul acts like he did nothing wrong and tilts his head innocently. "What man? I was just eating my that a crime? Can I not eat? I haven't eaten hardly at all for three days and now I can't eat at all?" Ghoul questioned as tears filled his eyes. "Oh no you don't, you're not making me the bad guy here. Ashlee! Ghoul spit water at me!" Jet called out to Ashlee but she just sighed and told both of them to stop it.

Pony took a bite of their food when they noticed Bug and Bandit both eyeing them suspiciously. "Bandit, what's the matter?" Pony asked but Bug started babbling then stared at them intently. "What?" Pony asked as Nat and Party laughed before Bandit got up from her seat and walked over to Pony. "Is that strawberry birthday cake I smell?" She asked as Pony hesitantly told her it was then there was a knock at the door. Bandit went to sit on the couch and watch TV with Grace as Val went to answer it only to see a man with black hair, blue eyes, and slightly pale facial features. "M-My team just got ghosted...can I please stay here?" He asked but Kobra froze up at the sight of the  man. "Kobra?! Is that you?" The man asked before shoving his way passed Val and heading over to him but Kobra started shaking and got up from the table then left without a word. "Sandman, leave him the fuck alone." Ghoul growled at the man but Sandman just scoffed and sat on the couch between Bandit and Grace. Both sighed and got up when he grabbed the remote and changed the channel, "Come on B let's go to our room and watch TV." Grace called but Sandman rolled his eyes.

"Get. Him. The. Fuck. Out!" Ashlee yelled when Ghoul whispered in a very hushed tone what happened between Kobra and Sandman. "Didn't know you guys took in bitches, hell Cherri heard you got married and had a couple brats of your own." Sandman spoke in an almost hateful tone. Shelby threatened him before storming to her and Cherri's room.

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