Chapter 16: Black Dragon Fighting Society

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Bob awoke in a dark room with only lit by a single small rectangle shaped window, halfway covered by the sand from the outside world. "It's about time your sorry ass woke up." Ashlee said coldly as she tugged on the string which caused a single bulb of light to turn on and shine dully. The sound of something snapping made Bob jump and turn to face behind him, seeing Nat holding a roll or barbed wire. "Answer our questions and maybe I'll consider not making you deep throat a branch from the thorn bush." They tell Bob who then gets smacked across the face by Ashlee. "So to cut to the chase, why did you sexually assault our lovely four?" Ashlee asked as she opened a pocket knife and held it to Bob's neck. "Why does it matter? You two want to protect your four apocalyptic whores you two call boyfriends?" Bob asked but Nat grabbed the barbed wire and wrapped it around the man's abdomen before pulling it, causing Bob to scream in pain as the points stabbed into him. "So help me Destroya, I'll make sure no one comes to save you." Nat says as Bob screams louder.

"Now tell us why the fuck you hurt our four!" Ashlee yelled. "I-I...The-They just looked too hot I couldn't help it." Bob says as Nat wrapped some of the wire around his neck but was quickly caught off guard by the door opening. "You guys need to keep the torture down, the kids are coming down for dinner." Jet said sternly to the two. Nat moved the barbed wire up to Bob's mouth that hung open from shock at the news Jet, Ghoul, and Ashlee had kids. "So when they all told you NO you didn't listen?!" Ashlee shouted angrily at Bob who tried not to move due to the pointed wires. "Answer or I'll make sure this only gets worse." Nat warns as Bob cries and nods to respond to Ashlee's question. Out of unbridled rage that had built up through Bob's visit, Nat tugged the wire backwards which made it cut into Bob's face. "After we're done with you you're gonna look at the four and they're gonna get some revenge of their own." Ashlee tells Bob who tries to get free but fails and more blood leaks from him due to the wires.

Nat takes the wire from Bob's mouth and tosses it to the side then grabs two sledgehammers from the side wall, handing the second one to Ashlee before both of them abruptly swing the hammers down against Bob's kneecaps. Sickening cracks echo off the walls as Bob screams louder than ever before. Ashlee crams a dirty rag in Bob's mouth the shut him up before both her and Nat leave the room. The two walk up from the basement and immediately get looks from the others, each a mixture of scared and nervous. "Mama, Uncle Nat, who's down in the basement?" Iris asks. Ashlee walks over to her and explains that the man in the basement hurt Party, Kobra, Ghoul, and Jet. Frankie slammed her fork into the table and yelled, "THAT MOTHER FUCKER HURT DAD, PAPA, UNCLE KOBRA, AND UNCLE PARTY!? I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL THAT FUGLY WAVEHEAD WITH MY BARE HANDS!" which made Val widen his eyes and turn to Ashlee who just told her not to yell to loud because it'll hurt her voice.

Nat went over to Party and gave them a kiss before walking into the kitchen to clean their hands. "You are dating a psychopath Poison!" Val told Party who just smiled before giving Val a response, "I know but I can't help it. Nat's good to me in more ways than one." They told Val who shot Party a confused look but then Ghoul spoke up. "Party means Nat and them play mayonnaise roulette numb nuts. Believe me, those two always make jokes about it." He told Val who nearly spit out his water. "You mean to tell me Party is banging one of the most wanted traitors to BL/IND and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W?!" Val exclaimed but then the four kids turned and looked at him. "What did Uncle Nat, Mama, and Aunt Shelby do to become traitors to those douchebags anyways?" Willow asked but Jet sighed instead of responding. Nat and Ashlee walked back into the room with plates of food then not even 30 seconds the four kids started asking what they did to get banished from Battery City. Before the two could tell the kids the list, Shelby and Cherri enter the room with Show Pony following close behind them. "Did you guys know Mama, Aunt Shelby, and Uncle Nat are banned from Battery City?" Iris asked only for Party to smile and turn their gaze towards Nat while blushing slightly. "UNCLE PARTY MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!" Frankie yelled which snapped Party out of the trance and they turned even more red in the face.

"Ashlee, Nat, Party, Jet, Ghoul, and me in the other room when you're done eating." Show Pony says as he skates off. Cherri and Shelby went up to their room and the kids once again asked about how Nat and Ashlee got banned from Bat City a few years ago. "Well kiddos, we kept bombing the capital building every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, I punched the Director in the face and almost killed her, and there's a ton of stuff we've done." Nat told the four kids who laughed then the four kids asked their Dad, Papa, Uncle Party, and Uncle Kobra how they got kicked out of Bat City. "Kids I'm not going to be the reason that you four grow up and destroy the zones." Jet told the kids who booed and called him names due to him not telling the story. "Uncle Party and Uncle Kobra can you two tell us about how you got kicked out of Battery City?" Grace asked but Party avoided eye contact and didn't answer, Kobra did the same but told Grace he doesn't remember any of it because he was 4 when he first came to the zones.

*time skip*

In the other room with Show Pony the group learns that Cherri being draculoided was the cause for Dr. D's death at the radio shack. After telling the group Pony takes his skates off and goes upstairs to his new room. Jet and Ghoul tug Kobra close to them and whisper something to him which makes him go red in the face then he turns to Ashlee who shoots him a wink and walks towards the stairs. Kobra follows close behind Ashlee, Party asks where the two are going. Ashlee laughs before replying. "Sorry Party, I gotta go fuck your little brother." She tells the bright red haired non-binary who is held back by Nat but starts swearing at Ashlee as her and Kobra run up the stairs. "STOP FUCKING! THERE IS FOUR OF US ALREADY!" Frankie and Grace scream as the two have a crisis at the dinner table.

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