Chapter 19: Mastas of Ravenkroft

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Nat, Ashlee, Party, and Kobra all went on a supply run when they were soon overrun by draculoids. Nat clutched their side as blood oozed from the wound while Party tried to stop them from bleeding out. Kobra and Ashlee were covering the two and blasting at the dracs only for Ashlee's gun to jam and a laser hits her in the leg. "MOTHER FUCKERS!" She yells but as the draculoids approach Nat passes out in Party's arms and Kobra gets knocked out. Ashlee and Party get guns pointed to their heads and shoved into the back of a BL/IND van. Nat and Kobra were loaded up into a different one by a couple of medic dracs. Moments later the van doors slam shut, "Great, now Nat and Mikey are probably fucking dead! And just to top this shit fest off I'm stuck in here with your ass!" Party yells at Ashlee who glares at them.

"MY LEG IS FUCKING BLEEDING PARTY! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ashlee yelled back to the red head. Suddenly the van stopped and a drac got into the back of the van with the two. The drac held out a medkit and cleaned Ashlee's wound then wrapped it before getting out of the van and back into the passenger seat up front. "Imagine being helped by a damn draculoid. Pathetic if you ask me." Party says with a roll of their eyes. "You're lucky my brother and the others care about you or I would've dusted your ass the second we met!" The red head exclaimed but a loud smack echoed off the walls of the van as Ashlee's hand met the side of Party's face.

"IF NAT WASN'T DATING YOU I WOULD'VE GHOSTED YOU ON GUANO BEFORE I EVEN GOT PREGNANT WITH GRACE! KEEP TALKING SHIT YOU RED HEADED BITCH SEE WHERE IT FUCKING GETS YOU!" Ashlee screamed at Party who's hands balled into fists so hard their knuckles turned white. "Aww is Party gonna have a tantrum like usual? You're only mad because you haven't been able to play mayonnaise roulette with Nat because all the shits that happened! You're pathetic Gerard!" Ashlee says as Party stares at the ground of the van.

Party mumbled something as they begin shaking. "What was that? Speak up Nat's bottom bitch!" Ashlee exclaims to Party who then swung their fist at her. Barely missing her head and punching the van wall Party looked her dead in the eyes with a hateful glare. "I said watch your fucking tone. Also it's none of your business what goes on in me and Nat's room." Party tells her but soon the van hits a bump and Party falls to the ground, knocking them out cold. The bump causes Ashlee to slam her head against the van wall and pass out.

*time skip*

The four all awoke in a pure white room with shining bright lights made into the ceiling. "Are we dead?!" Kobra and Nat ask in unison. "Hello you four, it's good to see you again." The Director said as her and 2 draculoids walk into the room. She smiles at the sight of the wounded and beaten up killjoys, "Today we're going to be asking you all a few questions. If you fail to comply with an answer then we will be forced to take drastic measures." She says while grabbing Kobra's hair. Party and Ashlee pulled against the restraints but to no avail.

"Poor little Michael Way, following in your older brothers footsteps really lead you down the wrong path. You could've been a shining member of this city but you left us no choice but to kill your parents for birthing such a loathsome fiend bastard child." The director spoke in fake sympathy as she took Kobra's sunglasses off his face. Tears filled Mikey's eyes as he tried to fight away from her presence, Party noticed this immediately, "Leave him the fuck alone you news broadcasting 2 cent bitch!" They yelled at the director who turned around and marched over to them angrily. "Watch your tone with me Gerard! I'll have my draculoids kill your brother just so you can see what you've caused!" She said bitterly before tugging Party's hair. To everyone's surprise, except Nat's, Party let's out a loud moan.

"PARTY WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ashlee and Kobra yell in unison but Nat on the other hand is blushing and trying not to laugh. The draculoids and the director leave the room and Party tries to hide their face but fails. Nat hops their chair close to Party's and smiles widely before laughing like a dying hyena. "Nat shut up!" Party tells them sternly but the demand goes unheard. "Damn I know what to look forward to when we get out of here and we have alone time." Nat says as Kobra and Ashlee make puking noises in the distance. "Please do not have sex with my sibling while I'm in a 100 mile radius." Kobra exclaims as Ashlee laughs.

After a little while the draculoids return and take Party and Nat into a different room. The director walks into the room that had Ashlee and Kobra in it and held two draculoid mask in her hands. "Your friends are going in for...cleansing. But for now, we'll just go ahead and prepare this process for the two of you." She said as she put a mask on Kobra even though he struggled with all his might. Soon he laid limp and motionless in the chair, Ashlee then had the mask put on her head and everything went dark.

*with Nat and Party*

"You two freaks are going in here until you both confess your disgusting acts to the director. From then on you will be draculoided and used for information." One of the dracs said as they shoved Nat and Party into a chamber. "What disgusting acts are we supposed to confess?" Nat asks then the drac slams the door closed. "I think they're talking about...our stuff. Like what we have going on between us." Party said quietly. "Oh you mean they want to know about our personal life? Ha jokes on those idiots! We're gonna be here forever if they want to know all of it!" Nat laughed. "Tell us your sins, may the director have mercy on your souls." One of the dracs from before spoke demandingly.

Nat and Party looked at each other, "Ummm...Do you want with or without details?" Party asks as Nat playfully smacks their arm. "Forget this idea! Put the masks on them both!" The director said angrily as draculoids open the door and hold two masks in their hands. Party shoves Nat to the floor and kisses them before getting ripped off by a drac and having a mask put on their head. Nat is pulled up from the floor and a mask is put on them, everything fades to black.

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