Chapter 22: Bury Me In Black

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*3 years later*

Grace ran as fast as she could and immediately went to her mom while yelling "MAMA! UNCLE PARTY AND UNCLE NAT ARE GOING OUT TO ANSWER A DISTRESS CALL!" Ashlee turns around and sees the Trans Am speed out of the parking lot of the hotel. "Dad told em it was probably a trap but they wouldn't listen. They also stole the car which made Dad even more annoyed." Frankie said as she seemingly appeared out of thin air.

*time skip*

"It's been 12 solid hours...where are Nat and Party?" Shelby asked as Bandit paced around the room. Suddenly the Durango flew into the parking lot, the Trans Am followed close behind. Jet and Kobra carried in a bloodied and unconscious Party and Nat. Bandit froze and started sobbing as she rushed over to her parents. "HOLY SHIT!" Cherri exclaimed as he rushed over with a medical kit. Ghoul was trying to keep the kids from seeing all the blood and the two half dead bodies on the floor. After cleaning the wounds on the two Party starts to wake up but struggles to move. Bandit shoves passed Ghoul and rushes over to Party's side beside Kobra who was shaking and struggling to keep it together.

Ashlee and Shelby tried to wake Nat up but all they go in response was Nat slightly opening their eyes before closing them again. "YOU STAY AWAKE YOU MOTHER FUCKER! IF YOU DIE THEN I WILL REVIVE YOU AND BEAT YOU MYSELF!" Bandit screamed at Party as she cried harder. Party then looked over at Nat who winced in pain but met their gaze. Party sat up quickly but Kobra, Ghoul, and Jet tried to push them back down only to fail and Party army crawls over to Nat. "NAT STAY AWAKE OR SO HELP ME!" Shelby and Ashlee yell in unison as Nat weakly shakes their head. "Dad you better stay awake!" Bandit says sternly as Party lays beside them. "D-Dad...Papa...Stay the fuck awake!" She exclaims with a shaky voice. "T-Take car-care of Bandit fo-for us...please." Nat says with a strained voice before blood drips from their mouth.

Party tears up as they turn their glance to Kobra who was breaking down with tears and grief. "Mikey, ta-take care of these guys...y-you're in charge now." Party tells him as they start crying. Bandit starts breaking down as she watches Party turn to her. "Bandit, g-give em Hell ki-kid. Don't get in-into too muc-much trouble while we-we're gone." Seconds later Party slumps limp on the ground beside Nat. Bandit collapses to her knees and starts sobbing as the other kids rush over and begin crying. Ethan and Ezra ask Ashlee and Jet what was going on only for Jet to wipe his eyes and lead the kids to their room. After a while of crying and trying to wake Nat and Party up the group turns to see Val crying as well.

"Why are you crying?!" Grace asks through tears. "Because those red haired bastards still owed me $95 and because now I have no one to constantly bicker with." Val says only for Bandit to charge at him but she gets scooped up by Cherri. "We could always try to find the Phoenix Witch...I don't know how long it'll take though." Shelby suggests as she clears her face of tears. "Or we wait for her to come to us...she usually is lured by death." Val says with a smirk but Bandit is having none of it and nails Cherri where it hurts then runs over to Val and begins beating him. Kobra held Party's cold limp hand as he cried harder, Ghoul kneeled next to him and gave him a hug as he tried to lure Kobra away.

Suddenly a figure appeared by Nat and Party. Ghoul pulled his gun out but the figure sent it flying out of his hand. "You guys are really annoying with all this killing and almost dying I hope you know that!" The figure said angrily and annoyed. "You're the Phoenix Witch?!" Bandit asks in awe. "Why yes child, I am. Let me guess you want these two alive again?" The Witch questions as Bandit nods. The Witch sighs and puts her hands over both Nat and Party's hearts, seconds later her hands begin glowing. "They should both wake up in guys are lucky they saved me earlier today and that you idiots protect the zones." The Witch says with an eye roll before vanishing into thin air.

Jet and Ashlee moved Nat and Party upstairs to their bedroom as Bandit and Kobra followed them close behind like hurt puppies. "Me and Bandit will watch over these two tonight, we'll come get you guys if anything happens." Kobra said as he wiped freshly formed tears from his eyes.

*1 hour later*

Bandit looked out the window of the room and yawned. Kobra looked over and wiped his eyes, "Kiddo you should get some sleep." Bandit shook her head no in response then turned back to meet her uncle's gaze. "I'm not sleeping until they wake up...Or until I find out who did this to them." She stated angrily as she marched over to the couch in the corner of the room. Kobra sighed and went over to her and pulled her into a hug, "It's ok Bandit, those two will wake up eventually. Just give 'em sometime to rest."

Bandit began dozing off as Kobra hugged her so he wrapped her in a blanket and found a pillow for her. She fell asleep on the couch moments later, Kobra walked back over to Party's side of the bed where they laid nearly motionless. Kobra teared up again as he covered both Party and Nat up with the blanket then he grabbed a blanket from the pile in the corner and made a makeshift bed on the floor at the side of the bed just like he had done when him and Party were kids and he had a nightmare. After shedding a few tears he fell asleep, hoping for the best.

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