Chapter 39: No Shows

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The next morning everyone was gathered around watching Vaya and Vamos playing dolls with the kids. "What are you guys doing?" Cherri asked but got shushed by the group before turning back and continuing to watch the scene unfold. "Ok, so a catch up for Cherri. That blonde haired doll in the hot pink dress is Barbra, she has a severe debt and lives on the streets with her fugly pink poodle named Squilliam. Her husband Doom Slayer left her for Princess Nikki." Grace explained as she pointed to different dolls scattered around on the floor. Cherri nodded and sat down next to Shelby who held Phoenix and Steeley in her arms. "But Doom Slayer doesn't know that Princess Niki is actually cheating on him with Barnie the Dinosaur." Bandit said in a casual tone before Frankie jumped in, "Then we're at the part in the story where Mrs. Incredible finds out Mr. Incredible is also having an affair on her with Barnie."

Cherri gives a confused look but nods as Pony skated over and sat down next to Vaya and Frankie in the small circle. "I couldn't find Ken, but I found Brad, will he work, or will that throw everything off?" They asked but after some discussion the group agreed it was fine. "Hold on a sec... where does Mrs. Incredible come into this?" Cherri asked but was shushed once more. "Ok back to what we were doing." Vaya said then everyone tuned back into the drama between the dolls. "Mr. Incredible...I cannot believe you cheated on me with Barnie!" Vaya exclaimed in a high-pitched voice and fake accent.

Vamos held the Mr. Incredible toy in their hand before talking in a deeper voice, "You're the one who cheated on me first! You had sex with none other than Grimace himself!" Vaya let out an over dramatic gasp then swung the Mrs. Incredible doll at the one in Vamos's hand and caused the two dolls to collide. Everyone gasped as Barnie kicked in the doors to the wooden doll house, Frankie cleared her throat before speaking in a thick Jersey accent. "HOW DARE YOU HIT MY HUSBAND!" She exclaimed before smacking the Mrs. Incredible doll with the toy Grimace. Just then Nat walked down the stairs, their neck covered by the collar of the Party's jacket. Jet turns and looks then let's out a growl. "Nat... Why are you hiding your neck?" He asked but Nat and Pony both froze while the room was silent. "I swear to everything holy and unholy if that vampire prick bit you I'm gonna kill them!" Jet exclaimed as he stood up and walked towards Nat who tried to avoid him.

"Ray...I'm sure we can just talk this out." Nat tried to reason but it was no use. Seconds later Jet pulled the collar of the jacket down to reveal to puncture marks on Nat's neck, "I'm gonna kill Party!" Jet yelled as Ghoul, and Kobra tried to stop him from leaving the room. Party yawned and walked into the dining hall to see the pure chaos that had unfolded, "What's going on?" They asked confused, Jet tried to throw a punch but missed. "YOU MARKED MY SIBLING THEN FED OF THEM! THAT'S WHAT!" Jet yelled as everyone's eyes widened at what he just said. "Wait...your sibling?!" Pony was the first to speak up through the confused silence.

"Yes, Nat is my sibling! How did none of you know this?" Jet questioned but everyone shrugged. "Yeah, that fucker got all the werewolf genes, and I didn't get any." Nat huffed in annoyance, but Ghoul cleared his throat hesitantly before tugging Jet away from Party who stood next to Nat. "Umm...You're not gonna be happy about this one." Kobra mumbled but Val, Vaya, and Vamos all caught on quickly. "THEY'RE PREGNANT AGAIN?!" Val exclaims but Pony quickly skated over and tried to protect Party and Nat from an even more upset Jet. "First you feed off Nat and now you got em pregnant again?! We don't need any more sand pups! And on top of it tonight's already a full moon!" Cherri exclaimed but Shelby and Ashlee marched over to where the three stood by the kitchen counter. "Did you just bite or is Nat pregnant again?" Shelby asked as she glared at Party. Pony was too busy arguing with Ashlee to notice Nat had gotten paler and clutched the counter tighter.

Bandit and Grace rushed over which caught the groups attention, "CRAP!" Everyone yelled in unison but Nat was scooped up by Party which only furthered Jet's annoyance. "Wait a second! Uncle party if you're a vampire then how do you go in the sun?!" Ezra and Ethan questioned in unison. "Well...It's because this thing I made a while back before all of the Bat City shit went down." Party told the twins as they held up a necklace with a gem on the end, Jet growled and swiped his hand at the necklace but misses. "Get your dog Ashlee!" Pony yelled but Ashlee slapped him and scooped Jet up from underneath his arms before dragging him backwards while his feet dragged the ground. Ghoul went over and poked Nat in the side of the face, "Ummm...Nat's ice cold." He mumbled to Party who nodded and told him Nat was always cold no matter the temperature outside.

After a few moments the arguing stopped and Dr. D walks into the building while glaring daggers at Ghoul then turned his gaze to Party who still held a pale and unconscious Nat in their arms. "Now what did your dumbasses do?!" He asks while face palming. "THAT MOTHER FUCKER FED OFF NAT!" Ashlee yelled which made the room silent. "Wait...papa hurt dad?!" Bug asked with tears in her eyes. Bandit pulled her close and glared daggers at Party. "I-I didn't mean to."  Party responded shakily but Pony skated over and stood between the two. "Dad...stop it." They warned but Dr. D scoffed then sent a thrusting gaze to Party. "Hurt anyone else and I'll make sure you go back to that city." He said before leaving.

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