Chapter 7: Party Poison

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*two weeks after*

"She's gone. I didn't even get the chance to explain, she left. She tried to kill me then left." Kobra mumbled into Party's shoulder as tears ran down his face. Party rubbed his little brothers back as Ashlee put her mask on and grabbed her gun. "Where are you going? Jet and Ghoul told you to rest." Party asked as Ghoul and Jet come running down the hallway to Ashlee's side. "Bitch I'm going to Battery City, I'm having a serious talk with Shelby about what the flying fuck happened a couple weeks ago." Ashlee said before practically kicking the doors open and getting in the trans-am.

"I'll stay here with Nat, Kobra, and Grace." Party told  Jet who nodded then him and ghoul went to the car with Ashlee before leaving to go find Shelby. After a few moments Nat appears in the doorway, "Hey Party,  Dr. D needs us for something." They told Party quietly who nodded and got out of the booth then went over to them. Kobra wiped his eyes and decided to go outside but he was soon met by Grace who hugs him. "Uncle Kobra, it'll be ok." She told him and hugged him tighter. Kobra nodded and returned her hug.


The trans-am pulled back into the parking spot and the poly couple walked back into the diner. Kobra pulled Ashlee into a hug, "Nat and Party went to Dr. Death's place, they've been gone for like 45 minutes. So did you find Shelby?" Kobra asks as tears fill his eyes again. "Yeah we found her, but buddy you're gonna wanna sit down for this one." Ghoul says as he leads Kobra over to the booth.

"S-She never really l-loved me?" Kobra asked as his voice cracked and he struggled to not cry any harder than he already was. "I'm sorry Kobra." Jet said moments before Kobra punched the table as hard as he could then broke down crying. "FUCK! I DID EVERYTHING I WAS SUPPOSED TO! I GAVE EVERYTHING I HAD AND GAVE IT TO HER!" He yelled while sobbing harder and harder. "I GAVE HER EVERYTHING SHE WANTED!" Kobra was shaking and a pool of tears started to form on the table beneath him.

Ashlee pulled Kobra out of the booth and held him close as he wept in her arms. Jet and Ghoul then pulled him into a hug as Grace ran into the room. "Where's aunt Shelby? Why is uncle Kobra crying?" She asked before Ashlee walked her back into the other room and left Ghoul and Jet to comfort Kobra. "Uncle Party is gonna be upset when they get back. Also I have some tea to spill to you mama." Grace said as she looked up at her mom. "What's the tea kiddo?" Ashlee asked hesitantly. Grace smiled then hugged her, "I'm gonna be an older sister!" She squealed happily. Ashlee went red in the face then looked down at Grace, "How did you know about that?" She asks Grace who laughs.

"Uncle Party, Papa, and Dad were talking about it last night while I was trying to sleep." She told her mom with a laugh. Ashlee pats Grace's head then sends her back to her room. She walks back into the room as Kobra leaves for his room, "Ghoul! Me and you need to have a serious talk! Grace knows about her being an older sister!" Ashlee says as Ghoul hides behind Jet who laughed. While Ashlee was scolding Ghoul and Jet for spilling the secret, Nat and Party kicked the doors open and drug in a giant supply tote. "WE HAVE RETURNED WITH GOOD SHIT!" Nat yelled triumphantly as Party sighed. "Where's my little brother?" Party asked to which Ghoul went with Party to Kobra's room as Jet and Ashlee scavenged through the new supply tote.

*time skip*

Nat fell asleep with their head on Party's shoulder while watching them draw. Party continued to draw until Nat kept clinging closer and tighter to them for warmth. Ashlee, Ghoul, and Jet were playing crazy 8's as Grace kept score of who was winning. "A hush falls over the crowd as mama sets down a Queen of diamonds." Grace says then shortly after, taking a look at his cards, Ghoul slams his cards down and gives up on the game. Party chucks a still full and unopened can of root beer at Ghoul for being loud. Ghoul gets smacked in the side of the face with it then glares daggers at Party, "Fuck was that for?!" He asked only to realized that Nat was asleep in Party's arms. Their sketchbook sat on the floor next to him along with their pencils and pens. "Wake them up and I'll make sure my feral possum gets a full range shot at your jugular vein." Party said as he moved some of Nat's dark red hair from their face.

"Don't call uncle Nat a feral possum uncle Party! It's not nice!" Grace says sternly to her uncle figure. "Yeah Party, stop being a bitch." Ghoul teased only to be smoked in the face with a stress toy. Ashlee and Jet started laughing then Grace joined in, the commotion drew Kobra from his room. His eyes red and puffy from crying, his face wet from tears, his hair was messy and untamed, and he wore his tank top and a pair of sweatpants. He wiped his eyes, "what's going on out here?" He asked as he voice waivers from all the crying he's done. "Your sibling's being aggressive because Nat almost woke up when I smacked the table." Ghoul said then opened the root beer and gave it to Kobra. Kobra took a sip of the root beer then grabbed a bag of chips before sitting on the counter and eating them.

"Kobra, you should probably go to bed." Party suggests as he starts to carry Nat back to their shared room. Kobra shakes his head no, "I don't want to sleep in my room, too many things that remind me of Shelby...I'll just sleep in here." He said only for Party to tell him no and Ashlee offer him a place in her, Ghoul, and Jet's bedroom. Later that night Kobra gathered a pillow and blanket then headed for Nat and Party's bedroom. He knocked on the door and Party sleepily answered then let him in. "Just like back when we were kids." Kobra said with a weak chuckle only for Party to move everything off of the spare mattress in the corner of the room so their little brother could sleep. After a little while Party went back to sleep with Nat cuddled to his side. Kobra got comfy and soon let his exhausted eyes rest then drifted off to sleep. Before he fell asleep the only thought in his mind was "Hopefully tomorrow is better."

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