Chapter 2: Na Na Na

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Missile Kid happily ate her chicken nuggets while Shelby and Kobra Kid cornered Ashlee, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star in the poly couple's usual booth. "YOU HID HER FOR 6 YEARS?! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE GONE FOR ALMOST A SOLID YEAR A WHILE BACK?!" Both asked in unison as Ashlee hides her face in her hands, Fun Ghoul and Jet Star smiled at Shelby and Kobra before laughing and nodding slowly. Shelby slams her hand on the table, "And you never said anything?!" She exclaims sternly. "Did Nat and Party know about this?!" Kobra asked more confused than ever.

"Yeah, don't you remember the gender reveal thing?" Party asked their brother. Kobra gave them a flabbergasted expression, "I thought it was a theme to a damn birthday!" Shelby then realized all the hints and things from over the past 7 years up till this point. "Son of a bitch...I guess it was kinda obvious if you think about it." She said to which the poly couple cornered in the booth laughed.

*Time Skip*

Nat and Party sat on the roof of D.I.E and watched the sunset while listening to the radio. That was until they both noticed a group of cars approaching fast. "We need to tell the others." Nat said as they grabbed Party's hand and led them back to the roof hatch and back inside to the others. "Draculoid cars flying down the getaway mile. About 5-10 minutes away." Party said as they grab their duffle bag from underneath the counter top. "We're leaving hurry up!" They command the group, clearly stressed.

After everyone packed their things they went outside by the Trans-Am and Ashlee's Durango. "You better protect our kid, if you don't then I'll punch the both of you!" Ashlee tells Jet Star and Fun Ghoul who nod and roll their eyes at the nearly daily routine. Before anyone could get into the cars, the groups of draculoids and exterminators pulled up and got out of their cars. "SURRENDER PEACEFULLY OR WE WILL KILL ALL OF YOU AND TAKE THE GIRL!" A bald man (who looks like if Voldemort and Nosferatu had a child together) yelled.  Nat turned to look at Party who returned their gaze with their own. "SURRENDER NOW! DO NOT MAKE US REGRET THIS!" The man yelled again. "IF YOU A SINGLE FINGER ON MY DAUGHTER THEN I'LL MAKE SURE I POP A CAP IN ALL OF YOUR ASSES!" Ashlee yelled as her, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star all whipped out their blasters.

Shelby and Kobra did the same seconds later to give Jet Star cover while he lead his daughter back where it was safe. "YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE HARD WAY I SEE!" The man yelled again after Nat and Party pointed their guns at him. The draculoids began firing the lasers at the killjoys. After a while the killjoys start to hit the ground one by one, Jet Star joined the fight only to be shot in the eye by one of the draculoids. All the killjoys lay on the ground wounded or unconscious as the draculoids and the man apparently named Korse, Battery City's top exterminator, practically drug Ashlee, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star's daughter out by her hair and wrists. "Keep running." Korse said to Party who was barely conscious. But before they could respond they passed out.

*time skip*

"THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS TOOK OUR KID AND HURT MY HUSBANDS! I'M GETTING MY GUN AND I'M GOING TO KILL ALL OF THOSE MONOTONE LOSERS! THEY WILL ALL DIE TONIGHT!" Ashlee yelled as Jet and Ghoul tried to calm her down enough so they could bandage her wounds. "If you don't let us help you then you're staying here!" Jet says sternly to Ashlee who continues to rant about how she's going to kill each draculoid, director, and exterminator in Battery City. Shelby wrapped up Kobra's wounds and Nat helped Party with their bandages.

"IF WE DON'T GO GET MY KID THEN I WILL DO IT MYSELF!" Ashlee yelled again and held Ghoul tightly while Jet put rubbing alcohol on one of her wounds. "Jet! I don't think it's a good idea to put that stuff on while she's upset and still has a hold of me!" Ghoul said as he struggled in Ashlee's grip only to be squeezed tighter than before. "She's like a snake!" Ghoul exclaims. "WHERE?!" Shelby screams as she jumps into Kobra's arms on the couch. "Your in his arms." Party teased as Nat bandages their leg. "I'll shoot you again." Shelby said as Kobra set her in his lap and hugged her.

Party looked at Nat and noticed a bloodied scratch on their forearm that was almost completely covered by their jacket sleeve. Without a word Party pulled their arm up onto their legs before taking the bandages from them and cleaning their arm. "You said you know how to make bombs?" Party asked Nat who gave them a mischievous smirk and nodded. "Good, because we're gonna need a ton of em." Party said with a smirk that nearly matched Nat's. "If you guys could stop flirting so we can come up with a plan that'd be great!" Ghoul and Jet said in unison. "Shut up you idiots if you guys wouldn't have been playing mayonnaise roulette with Ashlee then BL/IND and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W wouldn't have taken your kid." Party snapped back. Ashlee, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star's faces turn red at the mention of it. "Shut the hell up Party, we've all seen you and Nat staring at each other! So don't act like you wouldn't do it too." Ghoul says in response. Nat's face goes almost as red as their hair as Party scoffs in a fake offended tone and looks away.

"CAN WE JUST FOCUS ON FINDING OUR DAMN DAUGHTER SINCE THOSE FUGLY BASTARDS TOOK HER?!" Ashlee yells as she starts loading a duffel bag with explosives and batteries. "Don't worry we'll get her back Ashy, just be patient so she doesn't end up getting hurt." Shelby says, trying to comfort one of her friends only for Ashlee to grab her keys and starts loading her Durango with all the weapons she could. "Yeah my plan is to kill all the dumbasses in that building that are trying to turn my daughter into some emotionless draculoid!" Ashlee said before chugging the rest of her tea and storming out, Ghoul and Jet follow close behind her.

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