Chapter 8: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back

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A BL/IND car pulled up in front of the diner which made everyone grab their guns and take cover. "These people are really dedicated to killing is holy shit!" Party whisper yells to Nat as Ghoul and Jet rush Ashlee and Grace out of the room incase of a potential gun battle. "Party, I know this is a bad time but..." Before Nat could continue the sound of the doors opening and footsteps filled the room. Party used their free hand and covered Nat's mouth while pulling them closer. Kobra was crouched down under on of the booth tables while Party and Nat were ducked down behind the kitchen counter.

The figure grew closer and closer as Kobra readied his gun. "Guys? Are you here?" The figure asked in Shelby's voice. The three look and see Shelby holding her gun and her shoes covered in blood. "S-Shelby?" Kobra quietly said then Shelby looked under the table to see him with tear filled eyes and worry. "Don't shoot me! Please! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner! Just don't shoot me! We can talk about this!" Kobra cries out which makes Party stand up and slam his hand on the counter. Shelby jumps and lets out a startled yelp at the loudness. "Away from my baby brother or so help me god I'll send you straight back to Battery City. You broke his heart into a million pieces, lit it on fire, then proceeded to crush it even more." Party said with anger lacing their voice. Shelby hesitantly took a step back.

"Also since you're new boyfriend decided to shoot me then you tired to shoot Kobra, I can only do the most reasonable response." Party said as they proceeded to shoot Shelby in the thigh. "OW! SON OF A BITCH!" She yelled the fell to the ground. "Party! STOP IT!" Kobra yelled in Shelby's defense. Nat grabbed Party's gun and put it on the counter as Kobra crawled over to help Shelby. 

*time skip*

"ANOTHER ONE?!" Shelby asked with widen eyes as Ashlee laughed. "I'll play a game called cut it off if these two don't knock it off." Shelby said as Ashlee smacked her arm from over the table. "Where's Nat?" She asked Ashlee who looked around, "Probably with Party. We should probably go look." Ashlee said to which Shelby agreed. As they walked down the hallway they heard Nat's laughter coming from Party's bedroom. "I think I found em." Shelby said as her and Ashlee knocked (punched) on the door. Soon Party cracked the door open ever so slightly. "What?" They asked in an annoyed tone. "What are you and Nat doing?" Ashlee asked with a laugh.

Party opened the door more to reveal the room, Nat sat on the bed laughing hysterically. "Will you stop it?!" Party asked as they walked back over to Nat. "Why are they laughing this hard?" Both Shelby and Ashlee ask in unison. Party grabbed Nat and they began laughing harder to the point they were crying. "They hit me with every joke in the book then topped it off with a that's what he said joke." Party said with a sigh. After a few moments Nat began to calm down. "Nat, we're gonna go find a sand cow, wanna come?" Ashlee asked but Nat began laughing at the last two words of the sentence. "Only if Party is the one doing it first!" They yelled which made Party's face go bright red with blush then cover their face.

"Ashlee look what you've caused!" Shelby exclaimed as Nat picked Party up. "Yeah we'll go with you guys." Shelby and Party exchanged glares, "No not party. They stay here." Shelby said but Nat ignored her and carried Party bridal style in their arms. Shelby and Ashlee sighed in unison before going after the two. At the car they see Nat and Party cuddled up together in the back back seat of the Durango. "If I see any touchy touchy we're throwing both of you out." Ashlee says sternly before getting into the passenger seat while Shelby starts the car. Once the car starts down the getaway mile the four see the Trans Am parked at Dr. Death and Show Pony's shack. "What are those mother fuckers doing?" Shelby asks then notices Kobra and Ghoul on the roof. The two wave as the car parks in front of the building. "What are you doing?!" Ashlee asks with concern, Ghoul laughs and jumps down onto the vending machine. "Just existing Ashy, also Nat and Party are doing that too apparently." Ghoul said as he pointed towards Party and Nat who were chasing each other around. Shelby looks up at Kobra, he steps away from the edge and sadly walks away.

"Poor Kobra's still heartbroken, just talk to him and let him explain things. He's away from that part of his life, has been for a while once he first met you." Ghoul said to Shelby as he jumps off the vending machine and goes over to hug Ashlee. Shelby nods and soon sees Kobra walk through the sliding wooden door of the shack. Shelby hugs him and pulls him down to her level. Kobra begins crying and hugs her back while tucking his face in the crook of her neck. "I was brainwashed from one of the draculoid masks. I didn't mean to hurt you Mikey. I'm ready to listen to you." Shelby whispers to him, Kobra nods and picked her up and hugs her tighter than before. "I've missed you, couldn't sleep unless I passed out." Kobra said then put Shelby back so her feet were on the ground.

Jet and Grace ran out of the shack with boxes of upon boxes of snacks. "MAMA! PAPA! LOOK WHAT ME AND DAD GOT!" Grace yells as she throws a box, hitting Ghoul in the forehead when he turned to look. The sound of a car door shutting drew the attention of everyone except for Ghoul who was rubbing his forehead. "They touch Nat I'll break all their fingers!" Shelby and Ashlee yell in unison as the two make their ways over to the Durango. "Tell Nat to keep their hands off my brother!" Kobra hollers to the two who open the car door. Nat and Party were sitting in the car together, when the door opens their whispering and laughs stop and they both hide what they had. "What do you two have?" Ashlee asks as Nat opens their hand to reveal the keys to the Trans Am. They hand the keys to Party before both run out the other door of the car. "THOSE LITTLE SHITS STOLE MY KEYS!" Jet yells before chasing after the red haired couple.

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