Chapter 28: Mama

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Korse knocked on the glass door again and Val scoffed and walked over and opened the door while everyone else grabbed their guns and the kids went to hide. "What do you want you bald headed fuck?" Val asks Korse who just sadly smiles and asks if he could come into the hotel to explain things. Val let him in and he was met with the sight of no killjoys, a hole dug into the floor, and graffitied walls. "I need to speak to the killjoys specifically the one they call Party Poison." Korse mumbled out as the killjoys and the kids watched from their hiding spots.

"I momentarily defeated the Director then I fled Battery City in search for the ones I've fought so many times before." Korse began explaining but turning his head led him to be looking down the barrel of a laser gun. "Explain why you're really here and maybe I'll let you get some last words." Party said as Korse looked at them in sorrow. "The Director forced me to work for her...I found out, got upset, then as a punishment she...she killed my boyfriend." Korse began crying and fell to the ground as the rest of the killjoys came out of hiding. "Wait...BOYFRIEND?!" Everyone exclaimed in a confused unison.

Korse nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes, "Yes, we were planning on getting married next month." Nat and Party shared a look before calling a team huddle on the other side of the room. "I say we tie him up and leave him for the rats." Ghoul suggested but his idea was shut down by Cherri, "I mean he is crying so I think he's being genuinely honest about this." "He's tried to kill us millions of times!" Kobra sassed back in a loud whisper. "Yeah but if we can use him to get information then we can finally figure out how to fully take down BL/IND." Shelby pointed out but Party cut her off, "What if this is all a trap from BL/IND and they gather intel on how we live then they take us out?!"

"Can we please just decide on something? I'm tired of crouching down." Jet asked. "Just give him a strike system, he does sketchy shit then we can feed him to the rats and beat him with stuff till he spills the tea on what those Battery City bitches are up to." Ashlee said to which everyone agreed with. "What are you guys talking about?" Everyone looked to see Bandit and Grace smiling and joined the circle of discussion. "Kids get out of here this is an adult conversation!" Jet exclaimed to which the two put their hands on their hips. "Ok then if it's an adult conversation...Uncle Cherri and Aunt Shelby what's with all the baby bullshit in that one room next to Ethan and Ezra's room?" Grace asks with sass but she was met with Shelby and Cherri's confused looks.

"What baby stuff?" Shelby asks but before anyone could react Ghoul took off. Everyone turned to look at Ashlee who hides her face in her hands. "7! YOU'RE HAVING MORE OF THEM FUCKERS?!" Val exclaimed from the bar counter with Korse who looked at the group in shock. "FRANKIE DO US A FAVOR AND KICK YOUR DAD IN THE NUTS AS HARD AS YOU CAN!" Party yelled but was then bonked on the head by Jet. "YOU BITCH GET BACK HERE!" Kobra yelled before running and tackling Ghoul then the two began fighting on the ground. "Yeah Mikey kick his ass!" Party cheered as themself and Jet watched the fight while the others went over to the counter with Val and Korse. "You can stay but if we catch you doing any sneaky salamander shit your ass is rat food." Nat told Korse who nodded and thanked the group for letting him stay with them.

*later that night*

"So what was it like here in the zones?" Korse asked as he took a bite of his food. "Well zone 1 is depression city, Zone 2 is where shit hits the fan, zone 3 is known for every single crime under the sun, zone 4 is where no one gives two shakes of a rats ass what you do, zone 5 isn't too bad, and zone 6 is chaos but in a good way." Cherri explains with a small laugh before   a loud crisp slap echos through the room and everyone goes silent. "What the hell was that?" Kobra asked as Party smirked. "Dad's face is red...HEY WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" Bandit yelled as she grabbed a dish and threw it at Party like a frisbee disk. "LEAVE DAD ALONE YOU HORNY RED HEADED BITCH!" Bandit exclaimed angrily but Party stood up and told her to go to her room, seconds later an argument broke out.

"BANDIT LEE WAY GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Party yelled as Bandit teared up. "Party, stop yelling." Nat told them sternly but they continued. "BANDIT GO NOW!" Party yelled again, Bandit began crying. "GERARD!" Nat yelled. The room went silent as Nat went after Bandit to comfort her. "Does this happen often?" Korse asked quietly to Cherri who nodded. "Party, did they not tell you?" Jet turns to Party with a stern tone. "Now what are they hiding?!" They ask in annoyance which earns an eye roll and scoff from everyone except Korse. "Damn no wonder they haven't noticed, I wouldn't have told their attitude having twink ass either." Iris said as the rest of the kids nodded and hummed in agreement.

Party shoots her a glare before asking what they knew. "All that baby stuff Grace and Bandit claimed was Shelby and Cherri's earlier...let's just say we all committed to a bit and went with it. Now either you go apologize for being an asshole or so help me Destroya me and Shelby are gonna beat your ass and call Dr. Death to help bury you in the sand." Ashlee threatened. "I'll apologize after you guys tell me what is going on!" Party exclaimed to which Ghoul slammed his fist on the table and yelled "NAT IS PREGNANT WITH YOUR KID YOU DENCE MOTHER FUCKER!" Party froze before rushing off to find Nat and Bandit. "I swear they get dumber and dumber." Jet says to which Korse chuckles.

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