Chapter 25: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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As Party and Ghoul talked at the bar Kobra, Grace, and Bandit all snuck by in the darkness but moments later. "Mikey...where are you taking the kids?" Party asked which made all of them freeze. The mirror behind the drinks on the back shelf was a giant mirror that had snitched on the three of them. "We're going on a drive..." Kobra mumbled out to which Party nods. Bandit and Grace give their parents dirty looks before following Kobra outside.

*Time Skip*

The trans am pulled up outside the radio shack when Show Pony slid open the door and let the three in. The three freeze when they see Dr. Death talking to the Phoenix Witch and Show Pony. Three figures sat in the corner of the room two of them littered in scars and the third one had blue hair. "G-Grandpa?!" Bandit and Grace yell before running over to hug him. Dr. D smiles and hugs the two before looking up and seeing Kobra, "You're on thin fucking ice boy. You guys keep popping out kids then suddenly don't give a damn about what happens to the only woman I've seen put up with you and those other two bastards, I've raised all you boys better than that. Also your sibling Party, they better hope that we don't cross paths anytime soon." Show Pony skates over and is soon embraced by Grace and Bandit. The two figures look over to Kobra and the blue haired man walks over and introduces himself as Mike Milligram.

"Who are those two behind you? Where did all those scars come from?" Kobra asks but soon Grace starts crying and rushes over to one of the figures. "Mama! You're alive!" Bandit does the same to the other figure but says nothing and just collapses into their arms. Kobra tears up and walks over to Ashlee who held Grace tightly while crying. Soon Grace pulls away and looks to Kobra who took off his sunglasses, revealing red puffy tear filled eyes. "I-I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry!" Kobra sobbed out then collapsed into Ashlee arms before continuing. "The k-kids found out and now t-they won't talk to Ghoul or Jet. They barely talk t-to me. I sh-should've told Ghoul, Jet, and P-Party to shut up." Kobra cried and Show Pony shook his head before skating off into the other room.

Ashlee held Kobra as he sobbed harder and soon started falling asleep against her while she rubbed his back. "Looks like you three are staying with us tonight." Dr. D said as the Phoenix Witch sat on his announcer desk. Suddenly the Durango pulled up outside, a knock on the sliding door filled the now silent room. Show Pony skated over with annoyance and opened it which revealed Jet, Party, and Ghoul. "Get. The. Fuck. Away!" Pony stated sternly with venom lacing his every word. "P-Please Pony, we need to find Kobra, Bandit, and Grace. This is the only other place we know they could be." Jet pleads but Pony scoffs and shuts the door. The Phoenix Witch rubbed Dr. D's shoulders to try and soothe the unbridled rage that was burning and boiling over inside him. "LadyBoy, let 'em in." Dr. D said to which Pony opens the door again.

The three freeze when they all lock eyes with Dr. D. "Get your asses in here and sit the fuck down." He tells the three sternly. The three hesitantly enter the building and turn to see Grace and Bandit clinging to two scared cover figures, Kobra cuddled up in one of the figures laps, a blue haired man, and a very upset Show Pony. The three turn their gazes back to Dr. D who cleared his throat then cracked his knuckles. "You boys fucked up, care to explain before I let Pony rip you apart?"

Jet stayed silent and sent his gaze to the floor while Ghoul and Party looked at one another then back to Dr. D without saying a word. "You three have two damn minutes to explain yourselves before I get up and kick your asses!" Dr. D exclaimed which earned looks from everyone except for the Phoenix Witch. "B-But Death Defying, you can't're in a wheelchair." Party mumbled but seconds later Dr. D stood up and the three on the ground went ghostly pale. "The Phoenix Witch revived me and it fixed my now explain why you did the bullshit you did before I have to give a death report." He told the three who tried to scoot away but failed.

"We were drunk and don't remember what happened. We don't even know the full story of what went down, just little bits and pieces of what everyone's been saying." Ghoul explained as Dr. D picked him up by the collar of his shirt and held him off the ground. "Yeah you were drunk off your asses after promising to stop drinking! Then you three have the nerve to lay your hands on Ashlee and Nat while also bitching and complaining about your kids! The kids you wanted! The kids that you made by having the fucking sex drives of damn rabbits! Kobra was drunk too and he didn't hit anyone or complain about the kids! Hell Nat and Ashlee were propose to you sorry bastards but you did that to thank them for being one of the only people who can stand you pricks!" Dr. D yelled as he dropped Ghoul and Show Pony skated over.

"DR. D WE WERE DRUNK! WE DIDN'T MEAN TOO!" Party yelled but quickly shut up when Dr. D sent them a glare. "Getting an attitude, Party?" He asked the red haired non-binary who shook their head no and looked over to see Nat but their gaze was quickly pulled back to Dr. D when he gripped their chin. "I can't hear your head rattle you little shit, give me an answer, yes or no?! Are you getting an attitude with me?" The taller dark haired male asked. Party was shaking and took a deep breath before answering, "I-I'm not getting an attitude."

Dr. Death let go of Party and moved over to Jet who already began apologizing for saying hateful things about the kids back at the hotel. Dr. Death sent him a warning glare then walked into the kitchen. "You guys are lucky that Cherri and Shelby are on their honeymoon...if they were here you'd be dead before you even hit the ground." Pony said before skating after Dr. D.

The three look over to see Ashlee and Nat sitting with the blue haired male, Grace, Kobra, and Bandit. The blue haired male came over to the three and introduced himself as Mike Milligram then began talking to Ghoul and Jet as Party made their way over to Nat who was busy brushing Bandit's hair. "N-Nat I'm...I'm sorry. Bandit I'm sorry...I know I-I'm an asshole." Party said as they sat next to Nat and Bandit. "Dad doesn't want to talk to you." Bandit told Party but before Party could react Nat slices a cut that'll leave a scare on Party's cheek.

"Aww how cute we match!" Nat exclaims with a fake happiness. Party's eyes widen when Nat stabs the knife into the table beside the two of them. Jet looked over at Nat and Party, "NAT PUT THE KNIFE UP! YOU'RE INSANE!" He yelled as Nat laughed, "I don't want to hear it! Now me and Party match and besides they hit me, I hit them in retaliation, I got a scar because they made me sad, so now Party has a scar too!" Nat said before starting to cry. Bandit hugged Nat and hesitantly Party hugged both of them. Ghoul and Jet moved to Ashlee and hugged her but they were shoved away by Grace and Kobra who clung to her.

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