Chapter 13: Goodnight, Dr. Death

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The following afternoon Shelby, Nat, and Ashlee woke up the other killjoys with terrible news. "Why are you guys crying and babbling like idiots?" Ghoul asks passing the emotions off as something insignificant due to him just waking up. "DR. DEATH IS DEAD!" The three all exclaim at once then the room immediately goes silent. "W-What?!" Jet asks as he hugs Ashlee close and brings Ghoul into the hug too due to the tears filling his eyes. Nat throws themself into Party's arms and cries harder, Shelby hugs Cherri Cola as Mikey gets brought into a tight hug from both Nat and Party.  "How did he get ghosted?! He's been around forever! He's the one who raised us and took us in!" Kobra cried as he hugged Party tighter than before and began sobbing harder. "Show Pony was the one who radioed it." Ashlee cried into Jet's chest as Ghoul sobbed quietly into her neck.

*Time Skip*

Show Pony opened the door to the hotel building and sat on the couch crying harder than anyone. "Uncle Pony? But where's Grandpa DD?" Iris asks as the kids all made their ways over to their parents who were next to Pony. "Kiddos, Grandpa...Grandpa got ghosted." Jet said while trying not to start crying again. Grace ran over to Ashlee and began sobbing. Iris and Willow jumped into Jet's arms while crying quietly. Then Frankie threw herself into Ghoul's arms and clung to him, all the kids were sobbing and trying to ask how it happened but it all came out in gibberish mumbled messes. "VAL VELOCITY! THAT MOTHER FUCKER KILLED HIM! CHERRI GOT MINDFUCKED BY BL/IND AND LEAD THOSE BASTARDS TO DR. DEATH NOW HE IS FUCKING DEAD!" Pony yelled as he stood and began pacing angrily while weeping.

The room went silent at the all to familiar name, "I nuked those fuckers in front of the old diner! HOW ARE THEY STILL ALIVE?!" Nat yelled. The kids looked to the doors and pointed at six figures standing at the door. Suddenly the doors were kicked in and the figures entered, it was the clones from before but this time there was two new clones. Shelby and Cherri's clones stood along side the fake Fab Four. The kids ran to go hide in their rooms and around the hotel as the clones walk into the hotel. "Shit, What's the plan?!" Shelby exclaims as Val Velocity walks over to Party. "Get your nasty fucking mits away from my nonbinary before I waterboard you with maple syrup!" Nat yelled  as they threw themself in front of Party.

Val scoffed and tried to cup Nat's cheek but Party pulled Nat away. "No touching. I won't hesitate to let Nat go feral possum on you." Party told Val but Val shoved Party away from Nat. The room fell completely silent as Nat looked from Party to Val. "This is gonna get bloody...Nat, avoid breaking the windows or furniture." Ashlee told Nat who grabbed Val by his hair and slammed his face in the floor. "You think you can just kill our dad figure then come in here and put your hands on my poison, that's not how this works!" Nat said before grabbing Val by the hair again and making him stand only to slams him onto the countertop reception desk.

The clones didn't really know what to do as the scene unfolded but Kobra grabbed a sledgehammer and went after Cherri's clone. After about 5 minutes the clone was completely destroyed but Kobra still continued to hit it with the hammer. Show Pony asked Nat to have a spin with Val and Nat let him. Pony drug Val outside in the acid rain that began to soak the desert but Pony and Val began throwing hands in the middle of the getaway mile. "YEAH PONY KICK HIS ASS!" Ashlee yelled before Ghoul's clone tried to punch her. The clone was then shot through the head by Jet who whipped around shot his clone clean through the throat. But before Kobra's clone could get to Shelby Kobra saw a knife in its hand. "SHELBY WATCH OUT!" Kobra yelled as he shoved Shelby out of the way which lead to the life cutting his chest and ripping his shirt. Ghoul then grabbed the hammer and slammed it down on the clones head. Party ran over and was checking on their little brother when Pony walked back inside. The others looked outside to see Val completely gone.

"That pussy ran away. Damn BL/IND needs a better fighting instructor so this crap will actually be fun." Pony said before plopping down on the couch. The group chuckled then closed the doors to the hotel and began cleaning the mess the clones had made. "Are the bad guys gone?" Willow asked but Frankie jumped in, "Of course those dumb droids are gone! Dad, Mama, and Papa kicked their asses! HOLY FUCK PAPA IS BLEEDING!" Frankie ran over to Ghoul as he leaned against Ashlee. "I'm fine kiddo, it's just's just a tiny scratch." Ghoul says before abruptly passing out in Ashlee's arms.

*time skip*

Ghoul awoke in him, Ashlee, and Jet's shared bed as Jet and Ashlee gathered around him. "What the fuck happened?" He asks but Jet just chuckled and ruffed his hair. "Apparently Val was a vampire too. He sent the bats and since he's cured, we're cured. But that also means Val is still alive." Jet said before sighing. Ashlee kissed Ghoul on the forehead before turning to the doorway and seeing the kids standing there. "Is Papa still alive or did that bozo get dusted?" Grace asked already knowing the answer as she saw Ghoul look at her and sigh. "Uncle Party and Uncle Nat are being fucking weird again." Iris said plainly. Jet face palmed and walked off to go find the two. "Oooh Dad is gonna whoop some ass!" Frankie cheers but Jet stops and walks back to Frankie. "If you don't stop swearing and trying to create the end of all days then it'll be your ass I kick." Jet said but Frankie turned to Ashlee and Ghoul and pointed to Jet. "Mama, Papa, Dad is being a massive boomer bitch right now." Ghoul and Ashlee started laughing hysterically as Frankie starts screaming and running down the hallway as Jet chases her. "FRANKIE! I JUST TOLD YOU!"

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